Victims of violence receive paid leave in New Zealand


Members applauded and applauded when it became clear that the law had been passed.

– This is a great victory, says Jan Logie of the Green Party who took the initiative

Logie worked in a house for violent women before choosing to be a member. to enter the path of politics, according to The Guardian

"Not only the responsibility of the police"

– The initiative aims to address the issue with an approach Community. We refer victims not only to the police, but recognize that we all have a responsibility to help, "says Jan Logie.

Victims of violence do not need to show proof of their employer and, in addition to ten days off. for their safety. For example, they can change desktop and email address. At the same time, it becomes illegal for companies to discriminate against workers exposed to violence in close relationships.

The bill was passed by 63 votes to 57. The opposition National Party voted against and accused the proposal of being ineffective from the violence, but creating huge costs for them. small and medium enterprises. Vulnerable women risk becoming tougher on the job market, the national party means.

The worst statistics between countries

New Zealand is one of the countries with the worst statistics of violence in the close relations between the countries of the world. written BBC . Half of all murders in New Zealand are committed by a close relative, according to the organization this is not OK .

The coalition government led by the Social Democratic Labor Party recently paid SEK 478 million to organizations fighting violence against women.

Women's organizations around the world welcome new legislation. New Zealand was the first country in the world to introduce women's suffrage in 1893. However, in the case of paid unemployment for victims of violence, New Zealand comes in second place. The Philippines has already introduced similar legislation in 2004.

There are signs that more countries can follow New Zealand's examples. In some provinces in Canada, there is also the possibility of unemployment in cases of abuse. In Australia, the Labor Party has promised to put in place similar legislation if it wins the next election.

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