Victoria is 41 – here's everything you want to know about the celebration


This year, the princess crowns 41 years and celebrates the Victory Day for the fortieth time! We have gathered everything you need to know if you want to thank Victoria, from home and on the spot.

July 14 is the hour. 2018 is the fortieth time that the birthday party of the Crown Princess takes place at the sports field of Solliden and Borgholm. Many thousands of visitors are expected during the day so that you can celebrate the crown princess as best as possible, we have gathered our best tips for the day.

The Crown Princess
If you want to congratulate Victoria, there are many ways to
– You can release the Crown Princess in all our channels, via social media or send a greeting on the site of the royal house, says Margareta Thorgren, chief of information.
Here you can send a greeting via the site. If you want to write a letter, it is at this address:
H.M. King Hovmarskalksämbete
King. The Palace
107 70 Stockholm

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11:00 The doors open at Slottsparken in Solliden.
14.00 The Crown Princess arrives in front of the castle
16.00 The entry opens on the intellectual property of Borgholm
18.10 The public sits on its seats
18.25 L & # 39; student arrives.
18.30 The royal family arrives. Congratulations Crown Princess Victoria! Artists appear
20.15 Conclusion.

  I hope we will meet the entire Princess Princess family during the celebration in Solliden.

I hope that we will meet the whole Princess Princess family during the celebration in Solliden

Watch tv
According to the press release of Svt, Svt 1 and Svt play will be broadcast as d & rsquo; habit on Borgholm's intellectual property. The show starts at 9:00 pm on Saturday, July 14 and shows the evening show from the sports field.

Find to Solliden
By car: follow Route 136 North towards Borgholm. After about 24 km, turn left towards Borgholm Castle. Pass Borgholms Slott and follow the signs
By bus: From the bus stop (bus 101) Borgholms Slottsruin on route 136, it is about 1.4 km from the entrance to Solliden [19659012] Tickets
Tickets for Solliden can not be pre-purchased, they are purchased directly at Sollidens Castle. If you want to join Victoria on the intellectual property of Borgholm, you can buy a seat ticket for SEK 370 and represent SEK 280. Here you can buy tickets:
– Kalmar Ticket Center: 0480-421010
– Ticketmaster : 077-1707070
– Strand Hotel: 0485-88888
– Ölands Turistbyrå: 0485-888 00
– Here you can book tickets online.

Gifts for Victoria
If you want to give a gift to the Crown Princess during the celebration in Solliden, it's awesome. According to the presidential person of Sollidens, it is important not to enter the gift, because all gifts will be opened and checked for security reasons. If you do not get a good place where you can give your gift directly to the Crown Princess, then a gift table will be available in Solliden.

Tips for Visitors
If you are going to visit Solliden, it is important to consider safety will go through a security check where your bag is being examined. It is acceptable to bring food and drinks, but not alcohol. There is also food and coffee to buy at the park entrance. It is possible to walk freely and shoot in the park, but the couple's home of the Crown Princess is not visible in a private park.

The Kings
According to the court's website, King, Queen and Prince Daniel Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill all to attend the evening. It remains to be seen if any of the children will sit and watch the show. Last year, Estelle debuted at the event. In Solliden, the King, Queen, Crown Princess and Prince Daniel will be in place and perhaps even the children.

  Last year, Estelle was sitting next to her mother during the night festivities at the Borgholm Sports Field.

Last year, Estelle sat next to her mother during the night festivities at the Borgholm Sports Field

  ... and was trying to squeeze very hard l & # 39; child of his birthday.

… and tried to shake his son for a long time

Program Leader
The head of this year's program for the evening show is Kalle Moraeus. He played for Victoria in the early birthdays.

The Artists
During the show of the evening, as always, a group of artists appears. Peter Jöback comes straight from Broadway. He is joined by Jessica Andersson, Johan Lundvik and Emmi Christensson, who were highly educated at Melodifestival in the spring. Norrmann Alexander Ryback, former winner of the Eurovision Song Contest. Even Nova Miller appears, the Swedish star has shot with John Legend himself as a mentor.

Ingemar Stenmark Presides
Ski legend Ingemar Stenmark will celebrate the Crown Princess during the evening. Ingemar Stenmark was named Victoriastipendiat when the prize was awarded for the first time in 1979.
– Stenmark is one of the most important and important people of his sport, so it's fun that it happens. I know that the royal family also loves, says the organizer of Victory Day Kay Wiestål
He also says that Peter Forsberg, former hockey prostitute, will attend the celebrations

  The King and Ingemar Stenmark during the celebration from 1979, when Ingemar received the scholarship.

The King and Ingemar Stenmark during the 1979 celebration, when Ingemar received the scholarship

The Victoria Stock Exchange
On Victoria Victory Day, the Victoria Scholarship is awarded to athletes who have achieved an outstanding performance during l & # 39; year. This year, the prize goes to cross-country skater Stina Nilsson. The motivation reads as follows: Stina Nilsson has shown outstanding achievements over the past year. During the 2018 OS, Stina won her first Olympic gold medal in sprint, contributed two Olympic silver medals in a relay and sprint and took a bronze medal for 30km in class. Wiestål, the man who started Victory Day with Per-Olof Amnér
– Now, I think it's time to define this era. Somewhere you have to hand over and continue. And now I'm getting more time for the family, "said Kay Wiestål, 78 years old

Victory Race
In conjunction with Victory Day, you can race the Victory Race on July 15th. The competition has been organized since 1980. At, you can learn more about the race and register your participation. The race costs 120 to 300 crowns and 4 to 9 km for adults and 2 km for children.

Follow the day at
The Swedish women's magazine will be live from Solliden and will regularly update the site. during the celebration. Do not forget to follow us here on and on our social networks.

More info on the day can be found at:

Photo: Stella images, IBL

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