VIMMELBILDER: Kristianstad Rockfest takes over Tivoli Park – News in Kristianstad – 24 hours a day


Thousands visited Kristianstad Rockfest when it was arranged for the second year in a row. With numbers such as The Sounds, Aska Kasks and Eleine, it has become a success.

– It went very well, we were only a dozen overcrowded people. Our volunteers will have a lot of work to do for their work. It flows as if we had done this for 20 years. Everyone comes here for music and we have only received a positive response from artists, staff and guests, "says Christian Axén, the genre of the festival

It is already clear that the festival will return to Tivoli Park next year. Then Kristianstad will rock again.

– Now, let's take a week, summarize and see what we can improve. In a few weeks, we will start planning for the year 2019, says Christian Axén.

The 24kristian city cloud photographer Lars Svensson was in place during the rock festival. See all the images in the slideshow above. The pictures on the tires will be published later.