Violence in the center when Mali goes to the choice


Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world and has been shaken by violence for several years in a conflict between separatist and Islamist extremists. The latest bloody attack, a jihadist attack in northeastern Mali, took place a few weeks before Sunday's presidential election. In recent months, more than 100 people have been killed in this volatile region, highlighting the fragility of security in the West African nation.

Violence has become a key issue in elections. President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, known as the IBK, is blamed by his opponents for failing to create security in the country and to solve the turmoil following a failed peace agreement in 2015. He is still represented on election posters in the capital Bamako. . The leader denied recent attacks of "pockets of violence" and "remnants of terrorism" for many months and said at a voting meeting that the state was still "huge" economic efforts "to prevent more acts.

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