Wallström Do not Like Jordan B Peterson – Pages


Jordan B Peterson, always present, who recently visited Sweden, has attracted many faithful with his lectures and the book "12 rules of life: an antidote to chaos". But her views on gender issues and gender relations have also sparked anger and aggressive debate, both online and in mainstream media.

Foreign Minister Margot Wallström is among those who do not seem particularly fond of Peterson's ideas.

I do not understand why people spend so much time with this man, "Wallström said during a conversation on the theme of strengthening the role of women, which was held at the House of Culture of Stockholm, Melinda Gates and Robyn also participated in the conversation.

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Jordan B. Peterson. Stock Photography.

Wallström believes that Peterson has arguments, for example regarding his appeal to young men to lie down. But by the way, she is very critical of this 56-year-old psychology professor.

I think he could get under the rock from where he comes, Wallström said.

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