Warning: your partner can spy on you – News in Öland – 24 hours a day


Several women's newspapers now warn of the danger of calls for espionage in the SVT program more. Apps such as "Find My Friends" are designed to help parents track their children or find a lost mobile phone.

"When I started investigating it, I was probably pretty naive.I had heard about spy apps and their misuse, but I did not believe in my life that the problem was as prevalent as it turned out, he explains. Sanne Olsson who did the revision in SVT, Expressen.

In addition to the conventional The site service providers also have companies that market their services as tools to spy on another phone.

In a survey conducted by the National Association for Women's Pathways and Women's Journals in Sweden (Roks), 16 of the 26 female newspapers included in the survey reported that spying was a major problem.

"From my experience with follow-up programs, it's the worst enemy of our target group after the author," says a staff member of a companion. Skane.

Anne-Marie EklundExpert in computer security, believes that you need to know what applications are installed on your phone to easily detect if something has been installed without knowing it.

– You should avoid downloading applications located outside of these normal distribution pages provided by Google and Android for example, she says to the newspaper.

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