Watch out for the most dangerous animals in the game


It's been eight years since the game Red Dead Redemption arrived, now Rock Star has released the sequel. The act takes place in 1899 in the United States. The Wild West is no longer so wild and civilization challenges the legless parts. The main character is Arthur Morgan, the right-hand man of Dutch Dutch van der Linde.

After a failed flight, the league is forced to fly and stay away from federal agents and trophy hunters. Arthur must decide whether he wants to be a loyal gang or his own ideal.

"Red Dead Redemption" is a game based on history in an open world. You can leave and discover cities, wilderness and dangerous animals if you wish. To get money, Arthur can hunt animals and sell leather to merchants. There are more than 200 fish, birds and other animals more or less dangerous.

What is the most dangerous animal in "Red Dead Redemption 2"?

Many players have had difficulty controlling alligators, grizzlies and wolves. But around the world, shaken players are sharing video clips on social networks with ruthless deer attacks.

The deer attack without warning and they do not give up until they are killed on the ground or in a water course in the game.

Photo: Faksimil Youtube.

The deer attacks from behind when you do something else

The clip above shows that a NPC, non-player character, may have a deer as a pet. So anything can happen when you talk to a non-playable character.

The website indicates that it is not possible to reason the deer. They have only one goal: to destroy the people. Not only Arthur, but everyone.

Can deer help you?

Some deer seem to help you in your mission. In the clip above, Arthur pursues a man without catching him. Then the white deer chooses to come to the rescue. Maybe it's a 50/50 position, or the deer does not think it's a sport to meet the mean West far slower.

"Oh my God," happily writes a reader in the comment field on Youtube.

Whatever you do, do not stay!

Are you on the move, do not stop. It can then be as if this player suddenly stops to catch his breath.

Whatever you do – never end in this situation

With undesirable deer attacks from behind, this player made a fatal mistake while pausing. And no, it was not good for the deer either.

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