Watch the video of Meghan Markle, 11, protesting against sexism


Meghan Markle 36 years old, is now the Duchess of Sussex and married to the British Prince Harry 33.

Now she is living a life where she, because she is now a member of the royal family not openly expressing their political views, but of course, this has not always been the case.

During his previous acting career, Meghan was very involved in charities and human rights. Meghan also had several missions for the UN, where she mainly worked on women's issues.

And when Meghan married Prince Harry on May 19, the couple did not want any wedding gifts. The selected aid organizations, Meghan and Harry, are warmly at the heart.

  Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. "Title =" Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. "/> 
<figcaption> Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were married on May 19, 2018. Image Source: Steve Parsons / AP / TT Image </figcaption></figure>
<p>  But when Meghan was 11, she was a person who said against injustice. </p>
<p>  With classmates, Meghan was in a panel at the school and the kids then enjoyed various commercials. </p>
<figure><img decoding=
Meghan Markle wrote a letter and complained about the ads. Image Source: Youtube

And do you know what the unbelievable is?

The company actually changed its ads and went on to say "people" instead of "women."

Hey Meghan!

  Meghan Markle " title = "Meghan Markle" /> 
<figcaption> Meghan Markle as the 11. Source: Youtube </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Here you can see the clip on Meghan. </p>
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