Water bombs and hand bombs are bombed in Yemen


The Saudis help the internationally recognized Jemen government to repel the rebel movement, the Huthians, who control the capital Sanaa and the port of Al-Hudayda. Huthire's bells regularly kill robots against targets in Saudi Arabia, including the capital city of Riyadh.

A leader of the rebel movement in Yemen proclaimed 2018 as "the year of the robot". Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states claim that it is the regime in Iran that holds the Shiite Huthians with weapons.

In a 19459005 statement reproduced in the Saudi media, it is now said that the Alliance has defeated targets in the Saudi province. North Yemen, which was used for North-Saudi flying.

The civil war in Yemen, where neighbors jumped in the spring of 2015, would have required about 10,000 lives and displaced thousands of people. In addition, it has caused severe food shortages for the civilian population and the spread of communicable diseases.

The UN says that the situation of the population of Al-Hudayda has been hampered in recent days by repeated avalanches of the alliance. Freshwater

Last week, Saudi Arabia declared that oil exports via the Bab al-Mandab Strait had been temporarily halted following the dismantling of a vessel carrying oil for the energy company Aramco.

Read more: Saudi-led forces attacked Hodeidah in Yemen

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