"We do not recognize the annexation of Crimea" – the White House extinguishes the Trump and Bolton bombings after embarrassing statements | foreign


Last week in Finland, we had our hands full of planning the summit between the US president and the Russian president. Then Axios revealed that Donald Trump at the G7 meeting in Toronto suggested that Crimea might belong to Russia because "everyone speaks Russian there." Then a snowball rolled

A snowball that, when she reached the night of the White House, reached the White House spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, had greatly increased

. Admit the annexation of Crimea. Then Axios came from Canada, and Vips seemed that the American view of Crimea was totally different from what everyone believed.

Trump has already said that it would not have allowed the Russian occupation of the Crimean Peninsula. "The mistake" of the representative Barack Obama

And when most of the experts decided to abandon the statements of Trump, the advisor to the security policy of President John Bolton – who was a tough Russian opponent – calls to participate in the 2016 presidential election a war action – to the press and said that his boss: "We do not rule out that the United States could recognize the annexation of the Crimea. "

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So, this is a press officer reported Sarah Sanders who gets Monday night The question: Do you exclude the recognition of annexation or are you on the table?

Sanctions against Russia will continue until Russia returns Crimea to Ukraine

– We do not recognize the attempted annexation of Crimea. is in agreement with Russia that we are not in agreement, "says Sanders.

– Sanctions against Russia will continue until Russia reinstates Crimea in Ukraine [19659015] Crime is not on the agenda in Helsinki. Ambiguous and neither politicians nor experts are eager to mix in the game this time.

But the Kremlin announced Monday that Crimea will not be on the meeting when both gentlemen Trump and Vladimir Putin meet in Helsinki in two weeks

– President Putin is ready to discuss and seek compromises on all issues other than Crimea, said Dimitrij Peskov, spokesman for Reuters

.Trump has already said that he intended to talk about "everything" with Putin in Helsinki

Instead, men are now supposed to talk electoral fraud, relations between countries and the participation of the Rus at G8 meetings.

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