We lower the EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement


Italy will not ratify the EU's Free Trade Agreement, Ceta, with Canada, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi di Maio.

This means that the agreement will not be revised

EU and Canada for a long time negotiated a free trade agreement, Ceta. The agreement was seen as a last hope for free trade after the TTIP agreement, which would create a free trade agreement between the United States and Europe, was dropped by President Donald Trump.

But the agreement did not fall into the new Italian People's Government in its taste. They fear that Italian brands, such as Parmesan cheese, will be threatened. "For the first time in history, Ceta would mean that the EU is accepting food piracy and serious damage to the made-in-Italy brand," said Roberto Moncalvo, of the Italian Federation of Italian Farmers .

Earlier, Di reported that the country's agriculture minister, Gian Marco Centinaio, had declared that Italy would not approve the agreement.

Now, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio, who is the leader of a government party, the Five-Star Movement, repeated the same message: "Soon, CETA will be the object of 39 a signature in parliament and this majority will reject the agreement. ", He said during a meeting with an agricultural association in Rome, according to the press agency Direkt. [19659002Healsosaidthatthosewhoarepositivetotheagreementwillnolongerbeabletoworkwiththeproblem

"If a single Italian official … continues to defend agreements like Ceta, these will be deleted" , he added, 19659008] The Ceta agreement must be ratified by the 28 EU member states to apply.This means that the agreement will fall if Italy is stuck at its current position.

According to Reuters, the agreement would mean a 20 percent increase in trade between countries .This would increase the economy from the EU of 12 billion euros, ie 124 billion Swedish crowns, and the Canadian of 12 billion Canadian dollars, or 81 billion Swedish crowns.

Agricultural associations and critics within the EU have expressed concern over the threat of a significant increase in imports of pork and beef from Canada.

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