"When my children cry, I panic"


Marko "Markoolio" Lehtosalo, 43, tells in this summer's interview that, throughout his life, he has moved away from his true self. As a child, he lived in difficult conditions where the voice of a father never existed. Every day was calm but suffocating quietly. During the weekends, the bottles were crumbled and several men were raped on his mother Irma Lehtosalo, 63, and the rest of the family.

– I sometimes remember when I was small and sad. When my own children are sad, I often try with desperate means to get them arrested. I do not ask them to understand my education, but it's sometimes difficult, he says.

"It hurts my wife Jessica"

Marko Lehtosalo finds that he is currently fighting to show his feelings. In the past, he has learned to lock up his feelings in difficult situations.

– Unfortunately, they both affect my children and my wife, Jessica. I stopped because I can not handle the situation. I learned that I could lock my feelings in a box and keep her locked up. For 20 years, I got rid of all situations like Markoolio, "he says.

READ MORE: Sanna Nielsen's support for Markoolio

The conditions of education were difficult to live. The statue of a father was missing because Markoolio was a baby. The father's speech was replaced by various men who continually exposed his mother Irma Lehtosalo, 63, and the rest of the family for gross violence.

– I enjoyed sleeping with friends on the weekends. You have this ball in your stomach and be excited that it could break. It empties a lot, then traced with violence. I saw my mother being beaten by different men in my life. A monster took a day stabbed on her mother because she had no cigarettes, she could have died today, he says

Wanting Revenge

Marko Lehtosalo says that childhood gave him a desire to revan and a refusal to give up. The artist tells us that the relationship with mother Irma Lehtosalo, aged 63, is good today.

– My mother was cursed when I said in interviews that she had been fantastic during my upbringing. She always wanted me to say what it is. Despite all the madness that has arrived, she is incredible. I want to move forward and blow up the war. Stryk was as common as smoking on a plane when I was small, he says.

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