Wild jealousy at farm simons farmhouse


On Simons Ohlsson dairy farm, feelings are growing in front of the TV cameras of "Farmer looking for wife". When he chooses to leave with one of the girls, jealousy slips with the others.

The writers who left Simon Ohlsson's farm are Amanda Olsson Rhodin, Elin Persson and Frida Eriksson.

Now, Frida Eriksson explains to Expressen the difficult recordings characterized by strong emotions.

"I had a lot of butterflies in my belly all the time.At the same time, there were only three girls left, it was a weird mood.Everyone has feelings for Simon.It was the worst triangular drama, she says and continues:

"I thought it was crazy when Simon had gone away with other girls.If you go to normal life, the guy is only looking for himself, but he should be paying attention to three girls. One of them had a stomach ache thinking that he was now talking about things I want to talk about – why should he share them with someone else? C & # 39; was really fun – an emotional roller coaster.

In the episode of the evening, viewers watch jealousy.

"We girls did not talk much about what happened during loneliness, you did not want to know, it was very jealous when you had more time than others," says Frida Eriksson.

The farmer seeks the kisses of Mme Simon: "False hopes"

Simon Ohlsson embraced all his editors. Frida Eriksson has mixed feelings.

– It was not very smart. Sarah who came out last week had false hopes. Of course, you have to brush many frogs to find the princess, but I still think it's wrong. This must be done with "the one," she says but adds:

"He gave everyone an honest chance and is really a crazy guy.

In the evening, Simon Ohlsson and Frida Eriksson get closer for a day at the kohagen, which reinforces his hopes of becoming the farmer's final choice.

"I already knew at Sundbyholm Castle that I would be one of the last remaining, it was my feeling of excitement, but then it jumped back and forth, you do not want to shout hello in advance, says -she.

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