Witcher-serien tycks fortsätta, men inter under namnet Witcher 4 – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


CD Projekt Red har tidigare bank slagit fast att Geralts historia for everyone The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The first three wizards were by definition a trilogy, so we just could not name the next game The Witcher 4. That does not mean, of course, that we are going to leave the world of The Witcher, created by us for more than a dozen years.The Witcher is one of the two Today, unfortunately, I can not reveal anything more. "

Om Gearalt inte står i fokus, har någon favorit our serien som blivit in bra protagonist eller vill of hellre The Witcher 3: Hunting in the wild" class = "rwd_col_content lazy" /> [19659003] // var FBauthStatus = & # 39; unknown & # 39 ;;

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function FastRegister () {
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other {
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function FastRegisterResponse () {
$ .ajax ({
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$ (# Re_loginbox #); replaceWith (code);
// console.log (code);
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console.log ("failed request");
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return false;

function LoginWithFacebook (selectorForLoginMessage, fbUpdateUser) {

FB.login (function (response) {
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// console.log (user);
if (selectorForLoginMessage == & # 39; # fbLoginMessageMain & # 39;)
main = true;
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type: "POST",
url: "/ajaxstuff/fblogin.php",
data: {userobj: user, fbUpdateUser: fbUpdateUser, main: main}
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console.log ("is connected" + code);
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$ (& # 39 ;. signin & # 39;). addClass (& # 39; active-signin & # 39;);
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$ (& # 39 ;. login & # 39;). removeClass (& # 39; active-login & # 39;);
var request = new GRAsync ();
var path = /ajaxstuff/join.php? ajaxRequest & # 39 ;;
request.setUrl (path)
.setSelectors ($ (# joinContainer & # 39;))
.setData ({register: true, facebookUser: user})
.setDataType (& # 39; html & # 39;)
.setType (& # 39; POST & # 39;)
. send a request ();

other {
window.location = "/";

$ (# Re_loginbox #); replaceWith (code);
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location.reload (true);
.fail (function (jqXHR, msg) {
console.log ("failed request");
$ (selectorForLoginMessage) .text (msg) .show ();

} other {
// console.log (& # 39; Login canceled by the user or did not fully allow. & # 39;);
}, {scope: & # 39; email, publish_actions & # 39;});
// TODO: Do not ask publish_actions by default. This could scare some users. Ask later, when they really want it.
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window.location.search = & # 39;? & # 39; + newParamStr;

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