Without Judge Kennedy, there is a threat to abortion in the United States


It was during the Women's March in New York City in January 2017. At that time, it always seemed exaggerated to bitch with hangers to protest the abortion threat of human rights. ;abortion. "Yes, yes, we realize that it's serious – but let's go down."

It is that rights work. We are thirsty for them, we are fighting and are ready to die for them because by the time they are ours take them for granted.

The danger in this case is what many Americans now live when the Supreme Court Justice, 81-year-old Anthony Kennedy, announced that he was planning to take his retirement. Although Kennedy is the Republican, appointed in the era of President Ronald Reagan, he is excellent as a liberal voice in social affairs.

In particular, he is known as the judge defending the previous judgment "Roe v. Wade" from 1973 – which establishes the rights to abortion. But he was also the deciding voice when the Supreme Court in 2015 decided gay rights to get married in the United States.

This is because such rights work. We are thirsty for them, fighting and being ready to die for them, for the moment that they are to us take them for granted.

"What's up now?", The journalists interviewed legal and political experts last week. The Republicans, who control both the White House and Congress, will take the opportunity to change the course of the Supreme Court by choosing a much more conservative judge.

Many Republicans, including the President himself, also said that tearing down the national abortion right and let each state decide. It's an imminent risk, say many experts, if no pro-choice Republican senator puts a stop to it.

Of course, it seems dramatic to abolish the rights to abortion. But the question is what will be the difference for the young woman from Kentucky, where the last clinic is already fighting to keep the doors open. For a long time, abortionists found efficient little roads around Roe v. Wade.

In many states grants were abolished to organizations involved in abortion. Binding regulations have forced clinics to be forced to ban again, and women who need care to travel hundreds of kilometers. Today, 90% of all counties – like municipalities – in the United States do not have any abortion clinics. So, although there is a national right on paper, many women can not use it.

The gallows have already begun to be used, stuck in the modern 21st century vintage: tablets that cause medical abortion. This is not as dangerous, maybe. But it must be as shameful.

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