Woffinden after the defeat in the Indian fight: "It was just so good …"


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A disappointed Tai Woffind in the deposit of Målilla

Photo: Filip Edvardsson

An entire bus of Indian supporters had traveled to Småland to see the beginnings of Tai Woffinden in western India.

But in the first run, a disappointed sadness was heard when the Woffinden and the second acquisition, Kacper Gomolski, were forced to chew gravel – dachshund Greg Hancock and Pawel Przedpelski.

5-1 in the back – a nightmarish start

In the break after ten heat, the Woffinden were still not above the finish line and the Dacks had taken twelve points in advance. The worlds and the Indians rose at the end. Woffinden took two straight sleeves, in eleven and twelve, but he had the most academic significance.

The match was already drowned.

After the last round, the British summed up his debut in the Indian West for Sport:

or bad. It was the first competition for a new club, with all that that means with new teammates and a new team direction. It may sound a bit odd, but it was so nice even though we lost it. I enjoyed being part of the team, and I felt welcome, says Woffinden.

– Obviously, it would be good to take a few more points. I am never satisfied with twelve points. Sometimes I'm not happy with 15 points. I always want more and push myself all the time to drive better. I always find something negative with all the races I drive, I always want to find something to work, he explains.

This is the engine that has made Tai the best speedway pilot in the world. 15 points, but I do not do it, he says.

The Indians had difficulty escaping at the start and managed to take only one "femetta" in the game. This by Kenneth Bjerre and Vaclav Milik in the penultimate round, but the Dacks had already settled the match in the heat before.

– There was no outlet at first, the most wetted and loose material. They had watered the banana before the first run, which was a shame, but it's not an excuse. It's the same for all drivers, and the best team has won, said Tai sincerely.

Tai leads the World Cup series and will race on the same engines when the next GP race will be held at Just Målilla on August 11th. Both Leeuwen and Västervik have sealed in the battle for the last two playing fields. The Indians have a point ahead over their Småland rivals when it remains three rounds, and the Indians do not meet the Lion. at home than at Sannahed on Tuesday.

– We absolutely have to win our two home games (against Lejonen and Västervik). If we do that, we are in the playoffs. There is no reason we can not do this, says Tai Woffinden.

Score, Indians: Tai Woffinden 12 (6 heat), Anders Thomsen 9 (6), Kenneth Bjerre 8 (5), Vaclav Milik 8 (5), Ludvig Lindgren 3 (3), Victor Palovaara 1 3) and Kacper Gomolski 0 (2).

Dackarna: Greg Hancock 14 (5), Patryk Dudek 10 (5), Maciel Janowski 9 (5), Oliver Berntzon 7 (5), Pawel Przedpelski 4 (4), Hans Andersen 4 Joel Kling 1 (3).

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