Woman exposed to the death of Novitjok nerve


A 44-year-old woman poisoned by Nervous Novitjok in Amnesbury is dead, says British police.

Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charles Rowley, 45, have been treated since contact with nervous Novitjok. Amnesbury

British police state that Dawn Sturgess died Sunday night

– it's a shocking and tragic news. Dawn leaves behind her family, which includes three children, and our thoughts and prayers are with them in this extremely difficult time, "says Neil Basu, chief of the anti-terrorist police in England in a statement


The same neurotoxicity that the former espionage was subjected to Novitjok

Novitjok is the same nervousness that the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia were exposed early in the year. ;year. 19659002] – I am shocked and shocked by the news that Dawn Sturgess is dead, and my thoughts and condolences go to her family and loved ones. Police and security guards are working hard to determine the facts about this event, which is now being investigated as a murder. According to the Guardian, the government is giving its full support to local communities facing this tragedy.

The couple suddenly fell

Eight days ago, police were calling an address in Amnesbury where Dawn Sturgess had collapsed in the shower. In the morning, she had complained of headaches.

Later in the day, Charles Rowley began to feel bad. A friend of him told me how Charles Rowley became unbreakable, made strange sounds, went back and forth and drooled.

In a way, Dawn Sturgess and her partner Charles Rowley had come into contact with novelty Novitjok

The state of Charles Rowley is still critical.

The text is updated.

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Dawn Sturgess, 44, died after being exposed to nerve matter, according to British police.


Pair of Mystic Malaise in Salisbury – Being Nervous

The three titles of today Sunday 8 July 00:29

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