Women of stone stand out at the end of the road – Pages


There will be a happy mixture of art and crafts in Bläse Kalkbruks storsal. Concrete and ceramic sculptures in textiles and visual arts will be exhibited.

Women 's stone women are made up of 12 women who live in Bläse, permanently or during the periods of the year. Of the twelve, nine participate in the exhibition.

– We want to perpetuate the tradition of strong women who have talent and showcase knowledge and creativity, "said Uuve Snidare, one of the members of Women's Stones. She explains:

– Before the establishment of the lime farm in the 1950s, the women of Bläse maintained the culture. It was about knitting clothes, weaving carpets and a lot of other handicrafts. We want to go from the front.

Uuve Snidare tells us that the group was founded three years ago. Maria Troive, one of the other women of the stone, realized that there were several Bläse women who took care of different types of craftsmanship. She then thought that we could make a group, to create cohesion. It's the third year they're exhibiting in the limestone mill.

– There is no direct theme, but there will be nine solo exhibitions in one, "Uuve Snidare.

The exhibition has a projection on Sunday and will continue next week [19659004] Uuve Snidare first came to Bläse 21 years ago, lives in Stockholm but spends the summers in Bläse, and weaves some kind of refined variety of tramattor herself.He hopes the exhibition will be a way to show Bläse

– I think a lot of people like it to be rocky and a little separate There is a charm at the end of the road

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