World Cup for Finnish Advertising | The media of today


The Helsingin Sanomat press release for Trumps and Putin's visit to Finland has gained international influence.

Just before the visit of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to Helsinki, the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat sticks to the wall of outdoor spaces of the city.

In English and Russian, the newspaper on the main advertising sites essentially expressed its gratitude: "Mr. President, welcome to the land of the free press", "Donald Trump is a clown which makes the other Republican candidates appear. " The factor checkers find many errors in the speech of Trumps."

Before the heads of state, the editor-in-chief of Helsingin Sanomat, Kaius Niemi, explained in a press release why the newspaper published outdoor advertisements.

– We want to show our support for those colleagues who fight every day for all the hard On twitter, the editor wrote on June 15 that the newspaper had seized 300 outdoor spaces along the president's route to Helsinki.

The Helsinki press release was successful and the media around the world reported the mighty me Finnish newspaper to the presidents. Including the New York Times, the Italian Agenzia Nova, the New China and the Dutch General Newspaper

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