Worry at NATO before the summit: Do you want to damage Trump or kill NATO?


The founding of NATO was deposited in Washington on April 4, 1949, during the signing of the Treaty of the Atlantic. Article 5, NATO Central Defense Guarantee, states that an attack against a member is an attack against all members. This time, the Soviet empire was under threat

. But the latest attack on NATO does not come from the Kremlin but from US President Donald Trump who threatened Thursday at the Montana summit:

"I'll tell NATO: You have to start paying your bills" … "They kill us in the trade, they kill us in other ways … And above all they kill us with NATO."

At NATO, the discussion is about on how to spread the burdens between the United States and Europe as old as the alliance itself. At the NATO summit in 2014, members agreed that everyone should withdraw at least two percent of its gross domestic product from the defense in 2024. According to NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, 8 of the 29 countries are expected to reach this year. Trump has the support that everyone should live up to the promise, which he recalled in letters to other leaders. The problem for NATO is that Trump has for decades and in the election campaign pushed the line that the United States should not generally defend the countries of Europe – "our country can not afford ". Unless the leader of the most important NATO member endorses the alliance, it means a political punch for the alliance.

Argument that NATO gives stability to Europe, which economically benefits the United States. Trump. Nor do Europeans defend the United States – including hundreds of refugees in Afghanistan.

The G-7 meeting in Canada, as Trump left him angry, confirmed his aversion to multilateral organizations.

After Brussels and London Trump in Helsinki will meet Vladimir Putin. In Montana, he called the former KGB agent, Putin, an "excellent" person. The urn sends cold cries on the backs of several NATO allies who fear a Trump-Putin deal that splits Europe, similar to the Yalta accord in 1945. [19659002] Regarding the concrete decision of NATO at the summit prepared and anchored.

– But the more leaders talk to each other, the more unpleasant this is, says an American who has extensive knowledge of NATO and DN

. Donald Trump likes to be overwhelmed. The biggest surprise would be a perfectly normal summit where NATO survives politically before its 70th anniversary in April 2019.

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