Zlatan Ibrahimović on the crisis after the knee injury


When Zlatan Ibrahimović summarizes his football career in a book, it becomes a heavy lunta.

The modest title book feature "I'm Football" is written with journalist Mats Olsson. The story is well known. Zlatan Ibrahimović is the most famous Swedish on the planet – and perhaps the most able character in the Swedish public.

Here are the stories of all the club teams. About how his extreme winning attitude was formed at Juventus, under the leadership of rock star Fabio Capello. About the "philosopher", Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola. About the best players he has played with. Lilian Thuram, back at Juventus, said: "Every drive was like a World Cup final – I had blues everywhere." And the attacker Lionel Messi: "It's like the players of the Playstation, stuck in the real world."

Ibrahimović strikes in a good mood when he meets his entourage of colleagues in the sober Beverly Hills hotel, where we meet him.

He considers interested my nuna in the dark.

– Where are you from?

I mention my Algerian origins. Zlatan Nickar.

Then he manages the sound pane that inflates the sound of the podcast of DN by swallowing the palms. He has very wide legs and rests his arms on the armrest of the leather chair. The interview is underway.

– One, two, one, two. Ride!

He's a cheerful Zlatan who meets DN in Los Angeles.
He's a cheerful Zlatan who meets DN in Los Angeles. Photo: Anette Nantell

Zlatan Ibrahimović had success that no other Swedish football player was nearby. One of the reasons is that he escaped more serious injuries during his career.

Then came April 20, 2017.

Manchester United will face Belgium's Anderlecht in the quarter-finals of the non-European Europa League tournament.

Final minutes. Ibrahimović is going to do something that he has done tens of thousands of times already: he jumps on top of him to get a high ball on his chest in the penalty area. He landed on his right leg, the leg that he often used for his goals (347 with the right, 77 with the left, 54 with the head, 5 with the chest, according to the detailed statistics of the book).

Zlatan Ibrahimović looks dark when he recounts the incident.

"I think at first nothing happened, I'm the steelman, nothing can hurt me.

"I travel and I try to walk, my knee wobbles, I feel that something is wrong, our doctor writes the plan, he says I have to break the match, I say," I do not have to. "I'm always in the head.

Earlier in the same game, defender of his teammate, Manchester United, Marcos Rojo, suffered a similar injury.

– Rojo was hired at the back. But Zlatan must not be fugitive. He will leave the plan. So I goIbrahimović said.

During the night, the pain increases. An investigation conducted the next day shows that almost the entire knee is broken.

– The tape is turned off. The external ligament is extinguished. The back muscle is off. This is a multitude of injuries that I have had.

"I felt invisible, like a ghost, a ghost that does not exist," Zlatan Ibrahimović said of the moment following the knee injury. Photo: Anette Nantell

Ibrahimović speaks with a whistle that "the whole world" has called to operate. Although no one knows how serious the damage is. No one is allowed to know the details. He chooses to keep the secret.

"I thought it was personal, I did not want to talk about it," Ibrahimović said.

In the end, star-studded Freddie Fu in Pittsburgh will take care of the painful multi-faceted knee. It operates all damaged parts at the same time.

"In Sweden, you are injured first, then you wait two months before you make the next injury, I did not have time with that, I wanted everything at once, and then the journey started. Ibrahimović said.

An athlete who has never been seriously injured is now experiencing something new. Ibrahimović describes it as an almost existential crisis.

– I felt invisible, like a ghost. A ghost that does not exist.

– I was helpless, helpless. I went to bed and could not move. Be at the top of your career, at the top of the mountain and just fall. No slope, just down – pang!

Zlatan Ibrahimović leaves the plan after a knee injury. He beat Anderlecht in the European League match at Old Trafford in Manchester on 20 April 2017.
Zlatan Ibrahimović leaves the plan after a knee injury. He beat Anderlecht in the European League match at Old Trafford in Manchester on 20 April 2017. Photo: Dave Thompson / AP

Ibrahimović makes a hand gesture, up to the ground, up to the short legs.

The operation of attenuation is visible outside the right knee.

The family had to be with him the first week after the surgery. But no longer. Ibrahimović did not want his child and his wife Helena to see him in such a vulnerable situation.

– I chose not to be at home. I felt: I will suffer. I will go by myself.

There were times during the rehab period when you thought: I had a good career. It's enough now. J & # 39; abandon.

– This career, this story, may not end because of an injury. It's me who says when it's over. I will do it my way.

Photo: Anette Nantell
other: Anette Nantell

Ibrahimović performed the difficult rehabilitation training. In the beginning, it was boring and boring exercises, such as stretching the muscles for two seconds and repeating it three hundred times. Zlatan then made his comeback with some hopes to Manchester United by the end of 2017, without making any more impression. It's only after the transition to the LA Galaxy 2018 that the game has rebounded. It was 22 goals in 27 games in the first season, an excellent performance.

But Ibrahimović looks like a missile at the end of the season. His LA Galaxy missed the playoffs after a terrible defeat in a crucial live match against Houston Dynamo.

"I had the chance to LA Galaxy, to show that I'm still alive, but I have to win, and if I do not win, I do not see it as a successful year, even if I'm 22 goals.

– It's something new for me. I'm used to getting one, we're champions, we celebrate, the season is over. Now we beat a sixth place to reach the finish line. And we failed, says Ibrahimović.

In the book "I'm football" There have been several interviews with Zlatan coach and co-star over the years, such as Patrick Vieira, Jose Mourinho, Paul Pogba and Henrik Larsson.

I had the chance to LA Galaxy, to show that I'm still alive. But I have to win. If I do not win anything, I do not see it as a successful year. Even if I'm 22 goals.

When one describes Zlatan's greatness as a football player, everyone mentions the very unusual combination of high quality technology, physical size and agility. And one more thing. The huge, almost unnatural, victory mentality that bothers and inspires players.

He taught the winning spirit at Juventus, where he arrived at age 23, eyebrows and flattering curls.

"I still remember the situation in the locker room, I have Trézéguet in front of me, Cannavaro next to me, Buffon sitting there," Zlatan said and pointed a corner in the imaginary locker room.

– Share Piero, Patrick Vieira, Nedved, Emerson – that was my environment. They were demanding. They said: Listen, we are here to win. We are not here to have fun.

– That has infected me. If I came, I took it with me.

Johar Bendjelloul and Anette Nantell from DN met Zlatan Ibrahimović at a hotel in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills.
Johar Bendjelloul and Anette Nantell from DN met Zlatan Ibrahimović at a hotel in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills. Photo: Anette Nantell

What do you expect from your fellow players?

"I demand that it's always perfect when you play, if I see you do not give 100% – then I'm on you." If an adjustment is not good, then I'm on you, says Zlatan's eyes turn into slits

– So I'm like a pit bull – believe me.

Rumors are circulating at the moment: will Ibrahimović make another attempt to play in one of the major leagues of Europe? Crisising Real Madrid was mentioned. Like Milan, formed by friend and old wooden brother Gennaro Gattuso, as Ibrahimović once stopped in a trash after a hard workout.

But Zlatan still has a year of contract with LA Galaxy. What can he say about his future as a football player?

During breaks, when a contract is renegotiated, the football player reacts when one responds to something like this: "I enjoy my club, I only focus on my club." never know what's going on, "Ibrahimović replies, calm and at peace.

– There is an interest from Europe. But my priority is Galaxy. We are fine here, the family is fine. But we will see what happens.

After the defeat of Houston Dynamo on October 28, LA Galaxy's season was over - even before the playoffs began.
After the defeat of Houston Dynamo on October 28, LA Galaxy's season was over – even before the playoffs began. Photo: Charles Baus / Rex

If I ask the question like this: you have accomplished a lot in European football. how interesting Does he play again in Europe?

– it depends. It must be a challenge for me. That I can make a difference. And I will be able to win something. I do not come for charity – so I do not want to play.

You have been a professional football player throughout your adult life. How did you prepare for the day when the active career is over?

– That's a good question – I do not know. I do not know how to handle that day.

– I have different projects, I have my two children, I am their life now.

– But I'm a little unscheduled. Same time for 20-25 years. Wake up, breakfast, exercise, home, rest, recovery. And repeat it day after day.

– I do not know how I feel when it's over. But you must be employed. Otherwise, you jump in the wall. I've seen many examples of football players stopping playing – I do not want to finish there.

Your agent, Mino Raiola – who should better understand most people – says in the book that you will be a "great businessman or actor" when the football career is over. Is he right?

– Actor, you're a little deceived. You are curious to know this world. You are not as shy about cameras as before.

Zlatan suddenly looks very happy.

"For many years, I've been in front of cameras, which I could do more, for example, to be a show.

What kind of game could it be?

– The good guy, the bad guy I could have done everything. I can adapt, I am like a chameleon. What do you think

Have not you felt the best thing as a villain?

– Jooo – it would have worked too.

While in Los Angeles Ibrahimović approached the American entertainment industry.

This spring, he participated in several talk shows on television. In the late evening at CBS, he participated in a skit – where he appeared as a rocky cinderella in a field of entertainment. He made a coordinating combination of golden embroidery with James Corden, the program manager, and gave responses of the type "I've never heard of you", "I'm the best football player in the world." "Universe" and the best spokesman of the world. "

– There are different quotes from the world of cinema. But it must be right. I will not do any statistics in the background. A good role – I'm in the picture, says Ibrahimović.

An action hero?

– yes why not And Jason Bourne, a James Bond. As you say, not the good guy without the mean one. Ibrahimović bursts out laughing and pulls his patented giant leg.

In the book "I'm in football", several former teammates tell you that you make them laugh. Many seem to think that you are a fun rack.

– Not according to the media – they do not always understand when I pull my stuff. But in the locker room, I try to put myself in the mood.

Zlatan's flin is now so wide that it threatens to crack the face.

You have the impression that your humor is raw and hard.

– This is mixed. Many can come from one. But with – what are you saying?

Zlatan searches for words.

– With a good eye. With a glimpse of the eyes!

Are you about to lose swedish here now, after so many years abroad?

– That must not happen, haha ​​…

"It does not have to be this scam." It's good to speak Swedish!

An acting career attracts. "There are various quotes from the film world, but it must be fair, I will not do any statistics in the background," Zlatan Ibrahimović said.
An acting career attracts. "There are various quotes from the film world, but it must be fair, I will not do any statistics in the background," Zlatan Ibrahimović said. Photo: Anette Nantell
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