Switch's new Zelda gaming cadence for Hyrule is released this week, according to Leak


Nintendo fans may have some fun in front of E3. Zelda's upcoming game, officially titled Cadence of Hyrule: NecroDancer Crypt with Zelda Legend, is expected to be released this week for Nintendo Switch. In appearance, the Nintendo of America website simply states that the game will release this "spring", which aligns with the launch window provided when the game was unveiled for the first time in Nintendo Direct at the beginning of this year. However, the inspection of the site's source code reveals a line stating "Date of publication: May 30, 2019."

If this is correct, the game will be launched towards the end of its spring release window. This seems like a plausible date, especially since Nintendo would have included the game in a newsletter promoting Switch games, which will be released in May (thank you, NintendoLife).

The rate of Hyrule was announced in March. Crypt of the NecroDancer, which was launched in 2015, is a cross between the famous Nintendo Zelda series and the indie rhythmic title. It's a Machiavellian where your actions must be synchronized with the rhythm of the soundtrack.

The new game is developed by the same team as the original, Brace Yourself. Since then, his artistic style has been revised to match that of Zelda games such as Minish Cap. You can watch the Cadence of Hyrule trailer above.

Nintendo fans will still have a lot to do because the company's press conference on E3, which will take place in the form of a Nintendo Direct, is scheduled for next month.


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