10 OTHER WhatsApp tricks that (still) hardly anyone knows!


10 OTHER WhatsApp tricks almost nobody knows (yet)!

Daniel Schurter / watson.ch

Did you like part one of our secret WhatsApp tips?

Here is more. Please:

Tips at a Glance

  1. Why Should Never Use WhatsApp Camera!
  2. How to read unseen messages (on PC)
  3. How to secure epic conversations by email
  4. just create GIFs
  5. play a trick on stalkers
  6. protect your privacy
  7. send a invitation to multiple recipients
  8. better communicate (highlight text)
  9. quote for chaotic groups WhatsApp
  10. Make calls with WhatsApp (and avoid audio messages)

Never use the WhatsApp camera!

Yes, that's right. If you want to take a photo with your smartphone and share it via WhatsApp, you should not use the WhatsApp camera function . Instead, open the default camera application or any other photo application that best meets its purpose.

Pictures taken with the Whatsapp camera function are of poor quality. This is especially true for Android smartphones, a little less for iPhones.

The difference between Android and iOS is that the Google WhatsApp operating system does not provide all the features of the camera app, as documented by giga.de. And this is not "the massive compression of photos in WhatsApp", but the overall image quality (Business Insider).

read unseen messages (on the PC)

With WAToolkit, Chrome users get an extension of the handy features add WhatsApp Web. This can be used to read messages without reading receipts (which should be useful in some situations …).

  • When a new WhatsApp message arrives, you no longer need to switch to the WhatsApp web tab to read it. The WAToolkit icon indicates the number of unread messages.
  • Now move the mouse pointer over the icon and get a preview of the news without having to connect to the chat.

For more tips on WhatsApp Web, visit us on makeusof.com

Securing Epic Cats Out

There are cats that are for all eternity, but you should save them accordingly. If you look back on the 2018 World Cup in 12 years and want to indulge in WhatsApp reminders, you'll send an email to the chat history as a compressed text file and secure it (regardless of WhatsApp). hides the save function in the settings under "Cats and Calls". There you tap on "Chat Story" and then on "Send a conversation by email."

  • If you choose "Attach Media", photos, etc. are packaged in the ZIP file. Where the cat archive for video, etc. is growing rapidly to a considerable size. iPhone users erase from the chat box for the chat selected on the left, and select from "More" the function "Chat

    • You must choose" Add Media "to add all these same funky and fun videos.
    • It's best not to send large ZIP files by email, but to store them on your device or device in the cloud.

    It's so easy to make gifs

    A gif is worth a thousand words You can quickly make the motion pictures yourself

    Here is how:

    • Open the desired video in WhatsApp (in a chat)
    • Cut the film if necessary, because there can be a maximum of seven seconds.
    • Now, the GIF icon appears and if you tap on it, you can beautify the work by writing or painting something , or by inserting an emoji.

    Playing a trick on stalkers ("The st Online ") disable)

    No one should notice how often you use WhatsApp and when you chat in the middle of the night.

    Android and iPhone users turn off the "Last Login" screen in the settings below "Account", "Privacy" by selecting the # 39; "Person" option

    Privacy Policy

    If you have open privacy settings, also change the visibility of your profile picture and your "Info". Even that's "nobody" something. ?

    The protection of privacy is a human right. Before reaching any other practical advice, a general advice: Use WhatsApp as much as possible, but use Threema, Signal or any other messaging application that does not belong to the empire of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Facebook and with rigor Privacy Policy Convinced.

    The more WhatsApp groups there are, the greater the probability that strangers will find them. Unlock Status Messages only for people you really know and trust. These are selected via the "Share only with …" function (> Settings> Privacy> Status).

    Send an invitation to multiple recipients ("Broadcast" configuration)

    With WhatsApp "Broadcast" function can send messages to several people at the same time. This is especially useful if you want to send many invitations: Each guest receives the invitation as a direct message. It's only you who know that it's a mass invitation.

    The broadcasts are hidden in the cat's preview at the top left. To create a "new list", you must select at least two contacts from your own address book.

    Highlighted text

    There are several control characters for formatting text.

    • To write in bold, make an asterisk before and after the word (* bold *)
    • dam goes with the wavy sign "about" (~ barred ~)
    • For italic, use the underscore (_kursiv_).
    • For typewriter font (Monospace) it takes the French special character Accent Grave, three times in a row “ “ Monospace“`

    Android and iPhone users should not enter control characters by hand, but can use the edit function to which you can access via the context menu.

    • Tap the text you want to format in bold or italic, or scratch or type in a typeface.
    • At the top of the menu on the entry " B I Press U" (iOS), or on Android in the context menu (3-point icon) select the way the text must be highlighted.


    What is convenient in chaotic group discussions, is the quote function. You can show respondents what you answer without additional writing. Simply by pushing a little longer on the message.

    Users of the iPhone then select the "Answer" function in the context menu

    Android-Users Press the quote arrow to the left in the toolbar at the top. (Allyouneed)

    Telephoning with WhatsApp

    Using WhatsApp to call is safer than using the normal connection. Conversations are encrypted end-to-end, so they can not be heard (on the Internet).

    If you reject an incoming WhatsApp call WhatsApp then offers the caller to record an audio message and submit.

    This only works on rejected calls. If you hang up yourself, you have to go through the cat in the traditional way.

    This should be very correct for most users. 1965

    "I hate voice messages and everyone who sends them"

    Video: watson / Emily Engkent, Marius Notter

    More news about WhatsApp and Co. can be found here:

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