20 minutes – iOS 11.4 quickly picks up iPhones batteries


Apple released the 11.4 mobile operating system at the end of May. But the update not only brings new features for iPads and iPhones. He also takes care of the red heads of some users. So after the update, many in the official forum report problems with the battery life of their devices. The discussion is now 34 pages


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"My iPhone 6 worked flawlessly up to iOS 11.4 If the device worked a day without effort, I have to charge it now after a half day, "he says on the Apple forum.Other user reports that his iPhone SE discharges at night from 100 to 54 %.Even more extreme is the case of another user. he does not write what model of iPhone he has, but the battery has been emptied in three hours from 100 to 20% .It only made three calls during this period and has sent two messages.His contribution ends with the words: "Apple, please solve the problem!"

Problems due to Wi-Fi?

Affected by the problem, according to Cultofmac users. com of a number of different iPhone models.There are reports of the battery problem of people with iPhone 7, 7 Plus, SE, 8 and 8 Plus, and even e some owners of the iPhone X complain of a shorter term because of iOS 11.4. The people concerned suspect that the problem is related to Wi-Fi settings. Some report that with the disabling of Wi-Fi the problem is solved for a short time. Apple has not commented on the case yet.

After upgrading to iOS 11.4, do you have more battery on your iPhone or iPad? Discuss in the comments with.


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