20 minutes – UBS lets avatars go to wealthy customers


Digitization does not stop when it comes to advising clients of banks. UBS is currently testing two digital assistants in asset management who support the consultant in the flesh and blood of customer interview


What do you think of the avatars at UBS?

Here's how: Install the latest version of the app for 20 minutes. At the top right, touch the three bands and then the gear. If you slide your finger upwards, you can enable notifications for the budget service.

The so-called avatars work in much the same way as Apple's Siri or Alexa's speech assistants from Amazon. At UBS, the name of the assistant is Fin. He appears on a screen as a talking smiley. In consultation with clients, consultants can ask him questions about market prices or credit card offers. End gives the answers and presents the appropriate graphics or order the correct credit card.

Knowing the "Lord of the Rings"

A second avatar is the virtual image of UBS chief economist, Daniel Kalt. It answers questions about the development of the world economy with almost real facial features. His face has largely digitized the Australian company Faceme with technologies from the game and movie industry. Some employees of Faceme were already responsible for the effects of the movie "The Lord of the Rings". Avatars have co-developed IBM as well. UBS does not say how much the project will cost.

With digital assistants, UBS wants to gather relevant information for customers. The distribution of brochures or the filling of forms should no longer be necessary. The language assistant could also replace laptops in the consultation rooms. "The talks will be more efficient," says Anton Simonet, head of UBS asset management in Switzerland. The realistic portrayal of the consultant should also help to ensure that clients accept these avatars better.

Many questions about personal rights open

Even counselors have to get used to avatars. "It's strange to see and hear his digital identity," says Kalt. He is not afraid that his face is suddenly used for statements that he can not stand. Although many questions about privacy rights are open, so cold, but ultimately the avatars are only cloud-powered with the information and analysis of UBS.

But do not avatars make Kalts' work superfluous? "I see the digital assistant as a relief," says the chief economist. In the discussions, he could now focus on the essentials. "Standardized information such as market data can be left to the machines."

Hundred subscribers

The UBS test is expected to attract a hundred wealthy Swiss clients. It remains to be seen when and if the digital consultant will be widely used in current affairs

For Alexander Denzler, expert in artificial intelligence at the University of Applied Sciences Lucerne, the use of avatars could be particularly difficult for customers of banks. "For many people, language assistants – with or without an avatar – still get used to it, even though they often do not have technical maturity yet," he explains. on demand. The question is how customers are willing to talk to avatars about their portfolio and their investments. "However, if trust in such systems prevails and they are technically capable of conducting such consultations, avatars could someday completely replace human advisors," said Denzler. [ad_2]
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