343 Industries is not interested in Battle Royale


  Halo Infinite: 343 Industries is not interested in Battle Royale

The Battle Royale genre currently dominates the shooters market. However, the "Halo Infinite" developers from 343 Industries are not interested in creating their own variant.

Microsoft and 343 Industries used the E3 2018 for the unveiling of the next shooter "Halo Infinite", although the release does not appear to be expected in the near future. In a social livestream on the "Halo" mixer channel, developers answered a few questions from fans. The question then arises as to whether "Infinite Halo" would have a Battle Royale game mode.

Jeff Easterling, author at 343 Industries, gave an interesting answer in this regard. Then the author said, "I'm going to tell you now that the only BR that interests us is the battle rifle, the original BR, so calm down."

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At this year's E3, Microsoft announced the ongoing work on "Halo Infinity". However, according to the developers of 343 Industries, the version is not …

Thus, the developer excludes for the moment, the one that we use for "Halo Infinite" shooter genre currently very popular . To what extent this will eventually happen when "Halo Infinite" arrives on the market, time will have to show it. After all, the interest will undoubtedly depend on the success of the genre, which is currently dominated by Fortnite in particular, and will continue to receive known names such as "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" and "Battlefield 5" Will stay for years.

"Halo Infinite" has not been published yet. The developers had pointed out in the past that the game would take time to come.

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