The risk of ticks is even higher this year than usual


You do not notice the little leeches most of the time. Their tiny legs do not tickle the skin as they crawl to find a place to stab them. Most often, they do it in the popliteal fossa. Particularly treacherous: Before biting, the small animals stun the stain with their saliva, so that their victim does not even feel the sting. They have small blades on their jaws, which they then cut into the skin until they find a blood channel. Then they suck full. During this process, they can transmit many diseases – some of which can be fatal.

Of course, we talk about ticks. Schaffhausen is in a high-risk area, which means that the dangerous TBE virus can be transmitted by animals here. Especially this year, it is also dangerous: because of warm temperatures, small animals have been able to reproduce well – and are much more common in nature.

No more ticks in the township?

That ticks get this The Cantonal Hospital of Schaffhausen notes that the year is growing particularly well. Käthi Huber, head of nursing at the cantonal hospital: "We have the impression that in the last few weeks, more and more patients have come to the emergency room because of". a tick bite. "In June alone, 20 patients were at the clinic. In May, 14 patients went to the hospital for a bite. Remember: people who went to their family doctor and not those who went to the emergency department are not included. The dark figure will be much higher. The cantonal doctor Maha Züger notes a similar evolution: "In recent years, cases of FSME have increased." FSME means meningoencephalitis at the beginning of summer. But it also limits: "But we had this a few years ago."

The endangered areas of FSME. Card: Bund

Especially, good weather is currently a fact that plays leeches in the cards. In this way, they can reproduce well and find a host more easily – also because many people become inattentive.

Ticks hide mostly in the grass. If a potential owner passes, they jump over and go. Above all, because the point is simply painless, it is important to look for a stay in the woods or meadows thoroughly and immediately remove the ticks. "If you spot a tick on your body, you should try removing it with a pair of tweezers." Hanen Besrour. She is a senior doctor in internal medicine at the Cantonal Hospital of Schaffhausen. It is especially important that "the tick is completely and completely removed". Under no circumstances should the animal be crushed by removing it, otherwise the trunk may become stuck. "

This can be dangerous because:" If some of the tick remains stuck, the site may become infected and infected, "says cantonal doctor Maha Züger.

Great Danger Number 1: Lyme Disease

In itself, the bite of a tick is harmless, as Hanen Besrour says. However, many people believe that a red circle around the puncture can be a sign of Lyme disease. The doctor calms down in this regard: "A local reaction with reddening, such as after an insect bite, is not uncommon after a tick bite and should not be worrying." Maha Züger, cantonal doctor, says: "All tick bites do not cause this disease, it is useless if you panic after a tick bite." Nevertheless, they agree not to continue after this. because: "Should we develop redness in other areas 1 to 2 weeks after the tick bite? it's a sign of redness of walking." This may also indicate a Lyme disease. "This is often associated with fever," says Besrour. If this happens, consult your family doctor. If necessary, this will lead to blood tests and prescribe antibiotics. "

Redness, because it can occur in Lyme disease Image: Jost Jahn, Wikimedia

For people with Lyme disease, the consequences can be serious: you can not be vaccinated against it disease (unlike the TBE virus) and the consequences can be serious.So, after weeks, months or even years, various organs can be affected.Articulations, nerves in the heart, everything can be damaged by this disease. therefore, it is also important to seek antibiotic treatment in the event of illness as soon as possible.

Major Hazard # 2: TBE (Tick Encephalitis)

Another disease that can spread a tick is the so-called " tick-borne TBE transmitted virus – tick-borne encephalitis This is particularly dangerous for adults As the township informs, this disease "Fortunately, permanent paralysis or other permanent damage in children – unlike adults – extremely rare. "The rate of infection is lower: According to the former cantonal doctor Jürg Häggi are" in the canton of Schaffhausen about 5% of ticks "carrying the pathogen. "The disease therefore rarely occurs."

Cantonal doctor Maha Züger also calms down. "Only about 1% of TBE cases lead to death.There are also people who suffer from TBE, but do not notice it and consider it a summer flu." However, this virus should not be underestimated.

A sucked tick. The animals can be up to 200 times the size when they have finished sucking. Image: Pixabay

Because if you are infected, then you should not take it lightly. Hanen Besrour of the Cantonal Hospital: "Flu-like symptoms that appear 1-2 weeks after a tick bite may also indicate TBE agent infection." In some cases, headache, fatigue, difficulty to focus and neurological disorders. Insidious: "There is no causal therapy for TBE, which means that only the symptoms can be treated."

One way to protect yourself against this is to get a vaccine that has to be given three times and then lasted ten or so years ago.

The doctor at the cantonal hospital draws the following conclusion: how do we behave after a tick bite: If we have a tick bite and the tick is removed properly, we do not have a tick bite. do not need a doctor. If there is a local redness, such as a mosquito bite, you should watch it. If this goes away, there is no reason to go to the doctor. But as soon as this redness wanders, you must see a doctor. Just like when the flu and neurological symptoms such as headaches, photosensitivity or paralysis occur after about 14 days. Then it may even be advisable to visit the emergency room.

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