Neymar Swallow: "A riesa Gaudi" – FM1Today


Neymar video of FC Widnau Juniors F becomes viral. Hundreds of thousands have seen the video on the net. The coach of the little boys did not expect such a response, he says in an interview.

Fabian Nüesch is surprised. F-Juniors coach FC Widnau made a video Monday after Switzerland's first group match against Brazil's Jux. Now he can scarcely escape from media investigations.

Fabian Nüesch, F-Junior coach and viral filmmaker. (Photo:

Fabian, your video goes up on the internet, how are you doing?
This is very little known. My phone does not stop vibrating. On Whatsapp I am constantly contacted and everyone wants to call me. We never thought this video would turn that much. Even the SRF has already called

So you did not expect to see the video a hundred thousand times?
Not at all In fact, we made the video for the parents. At the training, we wanted to shoot something, make a joke. Then we sent the video to the parents. In a certain way, the video must have landed on the Internet and now it's a "hapless" runner

Does it bother you that you're so central now and that everyone wants something thing of you?
I do not have to have it every day. It is "smooth" for once, but after that I can stop it again (laughs).

How did you get this idea of ​​Neymar?
It happened by accident. My co-trainer Markus Wicki and I said at the training: "Now we can do a swallow of Neymar." The juniors have already tried it at the training and laughed. We thought it was a good idea, filmed everything and sent it to parents.

Have you also received negative comments? Finally, you teach juniors how to make swallows.
No, not a little. Until now, nothing negative has come. In any case, I think that we can take it with humor. We should not always take everything so seriously.

And how did the children think about this?
They thought that "huara gently" and I think they did it very well. Yes, we had "a Gaudi riesa"

The swallow of Neymar on video:



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