The DFB wants explanations on the withdrawal of referee Felix Brych – FIFA World Cup ™


German referee without other World Cup mission

For German referee Felix Brych, the 2018 World Cup ends after a single mission. The 42-year-old will no longer be used in the last matches of the tournament, as FIFA announced on Wednesday. The German Football Federation (DFB) wants to go to the bottom of the boat

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There is only one mission left World Cup: German referee Felix Brych had to call back home

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The DFB-Elf's bitter at the preliminary round , the target defense of the title failed – and now the return of the only German referee: The 2018 World Cup was not at all desired by the DFB. At least Brych could still have a small advantage of the early retirement of the German team shoot, but increased his chances of coming in the knockout round more often to use.

But everything happened in a different way: like the national team, Munich's 40-year-old has to start his return trip earlier than planned. Brych's services are no longer in demand at the World Cup – even though he had only one match . In the 2-1 victory of the Swiss first round against Serbia, the referee was involuntarily at the center of the debate. Due to contentious decisions, including possible punishment, the Serbian team felt disadvantaged . National coach Mladen Krstajic subsequently caused a verbal derailment which ended in a fine . "Obviously, the decision of Felix, painful and controversial, was judged so serious by the FIFA that there were no more motions for him", questions the vice-president of the DFB , Ronny Zimmermann.

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The association now wants to work on the game in peace, but at the same time also looking for a reason for the return of his referee. "Of course, it is for Felix Brych personally and generally German arbitration a bit disappointing," said Lutz Michael Fröhlich, chairman of the Referees Committee. Until now, there has been no explanation for FIFA's decision.

Brych receives support from former World Cup referee Walter Eschweiler. "Felix Brych should remember the many great matches that he has already led, especially in Europe, and there will be even more," said the 82-year-old German news agency on Thursday. "I wish him one, and it was always my premise: what does not bother you just makes you stronger, he's been hissing at a high level for years."

The only final referee remains Rudi Glöckner

Brych himself has beaten hard: "Life goes on and we will come back". Hope for more games and the final can do after his departure from other referees such as the Dutchman Björn Kuipers, the Iranian Alireza Faghani or Nestor Pitana of Argentina. The only German referee to have so far whistled a World Cup final is Rudi Glöckner. He led the final in Mexico between Brazil and Italy (4: 1) in 1970 in front of more than 100,000 spectators.

pau / dpa

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