Attack of the Nutella: Swiss Lindt launches its spread


This attack comes from an unexpected corner: Lindt & Sprüngli from Kilchberg's attack on the spread market. And bring hazelnut-hazelnut cream to the retail trade.

The difference to the Italian equivalent: hazelnut share of 40 percent! At Nutella, the proportion is about 13 percent

The spread is apparently new in British supermarket chains, as shown in the Sunday Times tweet. The product is also available on Amazon. In Swiss stores like Coop or Spar we are still looking in vain.

However, you can order Lindt Spread (210 g) for 6.95 francs in the online shop. And that for a few years, as a spokeswoman says. There is also the milk chocolate version – without nuts – for the same price. It is also available in exclusive Lindt boutiques.

The Nutella killer is unlikely to be available to infantrymen in the Swiss supermarkets in Kilchberg

Incidentally, the Lindt Spread is made in Italy by a subsidiary – well located near the famous Piedmont hazelnut, according to spokesperson. (uro)

Posted on 07.07.2018 | Updated at 00:50

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