The number of tick bites increases considerably


The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) reports a significant increase in cases of tick-borne encephalitis in Switzerland. Thus, since the beginning of the year, 150 people have already been infected with the dangerous encephalitis virus. This is 41 more than the previous year

  With warmer temperatures, the number of ticks increases. Bites of tiny animals can cause dangerous diseases such as meningitis. (Photo: KEYSTONE / EPA DPA / STEPHAN JANSEN)

With warmer temperatures, the number of ticks increases. Bites of tiny animals can cause dangerous diseases such as meningitis. (Photo: KEYSTONE / EPA DPA / STEPHAN JANSEN)


Only in June, 73 people in this country became ill with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), as evidenced by published figures Monday by the BAG [19659007Lenticencephalitis(TBE)isoneofthetwomaindisease-causingdiseasesinthebloodstreamwhichisalsoreferredtoasthedurationofthediseaseinthemiddleageofthebacteriaistransmittedinTBEunvirus

If a disease is caused by a bite of TBE infected ticks, it usually takes place in two phases. At first, flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue or joint discomfort occur 7 to 14 days after the onset of the disease, as well as neurological disorders such as photophobia, dizziness, difficulty in focus and walking

. The symptoms of meningitis or cerebral inflammation can cause paralysis and leave permanent disabilities. About 1% of TBE cases are fatal. There is no specific treatment for tick-borne encephalitis. The BAG recommends vaccinating against the TBE virus.

The carrier of the TBE virus is only a small part of the ticks. Many more ticks are infected with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. About 6,000 to 12,000 people suffer from Lyme disease annually. At the end of June, 21 '300 doctor visits

Blood-sucking ticks appear to be very active at the beginning of this year. As early as May, more than 65 tick-borne viral infections were recorded. That's a lot more than in May 2016, when 40 people were infected with the virus.

From the beginning of the year until the end of June, the number of reported cases rose to 150. This is a very high multi-year comparison, writes the BAG. Between 2000 and 2000, between 46 and 109 cases were reported in the same period since 2000.

The number of doctor visits has increased significantly during the current year. According to an extrapolation carried out by the BAG, 21,300 people have consulted a doctor for tick bites since the beginning of the year. Due to the acute cases of Lyme disease, there have been up to 6900 visits to the doctor

Correct Behavior

The season in which ticks are particularly active starts in March, depending on weather conditions , and ends in November. For the general prevention of tick-borne diseases, the SUVA, the FOPH and the cantons have issued recommendations for protection against tick bites.

Recommendations include the wearing of long pants and closed shoes. The socks should also be walked on the trousers. The clothes should therefore be bright and cover as well as possible. Clothes, shoes and body parts that come into contact with the grass should be sprayed with a tick spray.

There is also a tick application developed by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and supported by the BAG. Among others, it shows the current potential for ticks in the field and the correct behavior in the case of a tick bite.

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