Agreement in Conflict with Former Managers


The actor Johnny Depp is reconciled with his former managers. Due to the dispute, details of his lavish lifestyle were posted. His fortune, estimated at $ 650 million, probably evaporated. (Archive)


Johnny Depp settled the dispute with his former leaders, who spent nearly two decades in their financial affairs. The movie star was pleased with the agreement with the Management Group (TMG), a spokeswoman said Monday.

Both parties therefore agreed to confidentiality. With the amicable settlement, the 55-year-old will be spared an August scheduled trial that would have made headlines.

The movie star sued his former managers for $ 25 million in January 2017. He accused them of diverting his fortune, borrowing without his consent and driving him to the brink of ruin.

The managers responded by counterclaim, explaining that the arrogant lifestyle of the actor was responsible for his financial problems. They would have tried several times to bring him to reason.

Depp spokesman Robin Baum said the lawsuit against TMG and the agreement reached is "another sign that Johnny is determined to make personal and personal decisions." Defender of artistic reputation in the interest of his family and his decidedly defended career. "

Depp, who shot, among other things, the pirate saga" Pirates of the Caribbean "should have paid $ 75 million for his 14 houses, including a castle in France, several Hollywood properties, and an equestrian farm in the Kentucky.

TMG's lawsuit revealed that Depp and his longtime partner Vanessa Paradis spent about two decades each month, spending about $ 2 million.

In addition, the 55-year-old bought a yacht for $ 18 million and 45 luxury cars, it also had private planes, a lot of staff and huge amounts of wine, and according to Rolling Stone magazine, Depp assets valued at 650 millions of dollars, have almost entirely disappeared.

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