Cool new trailer for "Robin Hood" with Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx


Unlike the first trailer, the new preview has a good Heist-Film feel. The humor is definitely not too short. The Swiss theatrical release is early January.

Robin de Loxley showed his skill and bravery in the Crusade years and earned the respect and admiration of the enemy and friend. Now he's going back to England. Once in Nottingham, Robin finds his devastated estate and his impoverished neighbors, the work of the ruthless sheriff of Nottingham. When Robin learns that he has been falsely declared dead and his longtime love, Lady Marian, then with local politician Will Tillman has taken, he begins a secret and personal campaign against the corrupt sheriff and the church . Robin uses his lethal archery techniques to intercept the sheriff's coffins and hand them over anonymously to Marian, who has since become the leader of a secret popular uprising.

Robin Hood arrives on January 10 In cinemas in 2019.

Source: Lionsgate

17.07.2018 22:08 / crs

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