At Doppler / Horst there is still sand in the transmission


Doppler / Horst still has sand in his gearbox

ROTTERDAM. After their opening win, beach volleyball players Clemens Doppler and Alexander Horst beat Russians Konstanin Semenow and Ilja Leschukow 2-0 (-19, -17) yesterday in the group stage of the World Championship. Europe in Rotterdam.

  Doppler / Horst is still Sand in the gear

Clemens Doppler Bild: APA

Even though the defeat was not a broken neck, it was a drag for the two finalists. Because in both series, the veteran red-white-red with 17:14 and 11: 6 two comfortable projections of the hand.

A shot in front of the bow for Doppler / Horst, who also had problems with the windy conditions, coach Robert Nowotny raised the verbal index regarding the rest of the tournament : "Such a series – even if it is windy – should not be allowed at this level." His accusations should have found the thread earlier. "We can not serve the game to the Russians on the silver board."

Freeing the Head

Today, the native of Steyr Doppler and his Viennese partner Horst are eliminated, before tomorrow (12:00) the decisive match for second place. Group C against Mariusz Prudel and Jakub Szalankiewicz of Poland. The winners of the eight pools are in the second round, the second and third in the second round

With a defeat in the preliminary round began the only Austrian women mating Katharina Schützenhöfer and Lena Plesiutschnig, who yesterday in Utrecht Angela Lobato Herrera and Amaranta Fernandez Navarro of Spain 0: 2 defeated. Unfortunately, we are not playing at our level yet, "said Styrian Plesiutschnig in particular the poor performance of the block

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