Jörg Schneider leaves the board of directors of Munich Re


Jörg Schneider will leave Munich Re at the end of the year

Munich – The largest reinsurer in the world, Munich Re, will also receive a new CFO after being appointed to the top of the board of directors .

Jörg Schneider posed the post at his own request at the end of the year, said Dax group Tuesday in Munich. Jörg Schneider joined Munich Re in 1988 after completing his law degree and doctorate. In 2000, Schneider became a member of the Management Board. In particular, he has been responsible for the Group's risk management since 2001.

Schneider's successor will be Christoph Jurecka, 43, who has been responsible for the Ergo primary insurance subsidiary since 2011.

This is not the case. is that in 2017 that the old boss of Munich-Re had his turn Nikolaus von Bomhard entrusted the direction of the group to Joachim Wenning. Since then it has been argued that Schneider could also leave the board for his 60th birthday

The business economist and lawyer took over the finance department in 2001 He would be the oldest CFO of all 30 Dax companies. His successor, Jurecka, studied technical physics in Graz, Austria, and then worked as a researcher at the Technical University of Braunschweig. After various positions in finance and risk management with various European insurers, Jurecka joined the Ergo subsidiary of Munich-Re seven years ago. dpa

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