Several injured in an accident near the San Bernardino tunnel


An accident occurred on the San Bernardino road from A13 Friday afternoon. Cantonal police in Graubünden confirmed on request: "Yes, there was an accident in the Cassanawald tunnel with several wounded."

This is a tunnel between Hinterrhein GR and Nufenen GR just before the north portal of San Bernardino. Emergency services were on site, there were road closures – in the evening there are still traffic jams. According to Roman Rüegg, spokesman for the Graubünden cantonal police, three vehicles collided in the tunnel

. What kind of vehicles was not yet clear Friday afternoon – but certainly not a car or a truck. Rescuers were on site, it was said.

Rega on the spot

Several readers of BLICK report that traffic jams over miles. "There are two Rega helicopters on site, several fire trucks and three ambulances," says a BLICK reader on request.

The Cassanawald Tunnel was temporarily closed in both directions after the accident and the traffic was diverted. This has caused traffic disruption on the entire route of San Bernardino during the holiday season with heavy traffic, according to the TCS website, it is to be expected that there will be a lot of time waster. (SDA / pma)

Published 20.07.2018 | Last updated 13 minutes ago

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