Mesut Özil comments on the photo with Erdogan for the first time


Open letter from the DFB star: Özil expresses his first controversial appearance with Erdogan

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Mesut Özil published a letter for the first time on his controversial performance with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan voiced. He writes that he made the photo regardless of the political situation in Turkey.

Özil continues: "The truth is that if I had not met the president, I would not have respected the roots of my ancestors."

The DFB star says he is aware that his photo with Erdogan made a lot of noise. He would have had no political background. "For me, it was not about elections or politics, but respect for the highest office of my parents' country."

Only amused football

In the conversation he spoke to Erdogan exclusively about football – as even at other meetings before. Erdogan himself played football in his youth.

Özil argues that he is a football player and not a politician. Therefore, the photo could not be considered as a medium. He would have acted the same way during a visit from the German President.

"I understand that many believe that the political position is inseparably related to the person, but in this case, it is different, regardless of the choice Özil written further

Critique of Lothar Matthäus and the German media [19659008] In a tweet later, Özil criticizes a double standard by dealing with him and with Lothar Matthäus.The international record was gathered during the World Cup with Russian President Vladimir Putin for a photo shoot. "Lothar Matthäus (…) has not been criticized by the media, "writes Özil." If the media think I should not have been part of the World Cup team, then surely he should be deprived of the honorary leader's dignity? Does my Turkish origin make me a better target?

In addition, the Arsenal midfielder complains that "some German newspapers" used his photo with President Erdogan for "right-wing extremist propaganda." "Why would they have used images and images? titles with my name to explain the failure of Russia? ", asks Özil." They did not criticize my achievements, they did not criticize the achievements of my team, they simply criticized only my Turkish origin and my respect for my education. "

Disappointed by the DFB

In addition, Özil was disappointed with the behavior of the DFB and some sponsors before the Özil World Cup was invited to appear in a promotional video of a DFB sponsor, writes the 29-year-old.But then he was removed from the campaign – "they called the crisis management situation," said Özil.

It was ironic, wrote the midfielder.After all, the products of the co "illegal and unauthorized software, which exposes the customer to a risk." But while DFB Özil had asked to explain his behavior, the association was silent in the case of the sponsor. "Why?", Asks the international. "Do I understand that it's worse than a photo with the president of the country of my country? What does the DFB have to say about it?"

Özil does do not mention the name of the sponsor in his letter. Presumably, he means Mercedes: Özil's manager, Harun Arslan, had declared in early June in an interview at the "time" that Mercedes had "reformed" his advertising campaign with Özil and his team-mate Ilkay Gündogan for the World Cup .

The national player numbered his public letters on Twitter in Roman numerals with "I / III" and "II / III". A third part of his statement therefore seems still unresolved.

The appearance caused concern

Özil met Erdogan in London a few weeks before the World Cup with his teammate DFK Ilkay Gündogan. At that time, Gundogan had given the Turkish president a jersey with the words "Respectfully, for my president".

The photo had caused trouble since the beginning. Gündogan and Özil had a conversation with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. After the first World Cup, team manager Oliver Bierhoff and DFB President Reinhard Grindel recently asked Özil to declare himself publicly. The two men were then accused of making this 29-year-old player a scarecrow after the first World Cup matches of a German national team.

According to Özil, his future in the national team is not clear either. The 2014 world champion did not comment. The next internationals are September 6th against the World Cup France and September 9th against Peru on the program. German coach Joachim Loew wants to announce his team on 29 August.

Video: "Best shut up": Klopp surprises the critics of Özil and Gündogan

Video: Özdemir, green politician, scolds the cowardice of the DFB in Erdogan Case

cp / flr / with dpa

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