The study on sildenafil stopped after the death of babies


Ärzte Zeitung online, 25.07.2018

Netherlands / Power for pregnant women

After the death of 19 babies in the Netherlands is a study with pregnant women taking Viagra Sildenafil

  The study on sildenafil stopped after the death of babies

Pregnancy Activity: Sildenafil, a drug against Viagra, was used to treat lympha placental insufficiency in one study, with fatal consequences for 19 babies.

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AMSTERDAM. Dutch researchers wanted to help unborn babies with serious health problems because of placental insufficiency, growth in the uterus. In several clinics, pregnant women have been treated with sildenafil power, said the Internet as a registered study sponsor Amsterdam Academic Center (AMC) in a statement.

Of the proven vasodilator effect of the drug, the doctors had better circulation Placenta promised. Previous studies have suggested that this could improve the growth of unborn children.

It has now been shown that the use of sildenafil during pregnancy can be harmful to babies after birth, according to the AMC.

According to the CMA report, 19 babies out of a total of 93 women who received sildenafil died. Eleven of the deceased babies had lung diseases, especially high blood pressure in the lungs. No information was provided on the cause of death of the other eight babies in the sildenafil group. Six newborns in this experimental group had also developed lung problems but survived.

There were also deaths in the comparator group with placebo

In comparison groups with a total of 90 women placebo was used in place of sildenafil. Out of this group, according to the CMA, nine children died, but none had any lung problems. Although three babies in this group also had lung disease, they did not die.

"The possibility of blood vessel disease appears to be greater and the possibility of postpartum death appears to be increasing". 19659009] Prof. Zarcko Alfirevic of the University of Liverpool, who is conducting research on sildenafil during pregnancy in England, was surprised by the results of the Danish study in a BBC communication. We must now discover the nearest reasons. Because the complications did not occur in similar studies in Britain, New Zealand and Australia.

Gynecologist Wessel Ganzevoort of the Amsterdam University Hospital, involved in the study, also told the Dutch media that the doctors were shocked.
You have already informed a Canadian research group, which has also
did such a test – he was stopped as well.

There are currently between 10 and 15 women in the Netherlands waiting to see if their children have been injured by the test. The study began in 2015. Originally, it is expected to last until 2020, with a total of about 350 patients participating. (dpa / times / run)

Study information "The Dutch STRIDER" (Sildenafil TheRapy in Prognosis of Fetal Growth Mellitus of Early Growth): https: // clinicaltrials. gov / ct2 / show / NCT02277132

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