10 fitness myths under surveillance – News Knowledge: Medicine & Psychology


As soon as it comes to topics such as fat burning, efficiency of workout and sports nutrition, the interactive rumor mill is bubbling a lot. He spreads a stream of misinformation through the net. We explored the so-called wisdom of fitness and asked two experts: Georgina Montiel, Sports and Nutritionist, and Melanie von Rotz, trainer in Personnel and Weight Management, to find out how did the training .

The fat intake in the gym is highest in the morning

Georgina Montiel: To test these fitness expressions, we must get to know the behavior of one of our hormones: l & rsquo; # 39; insulin. It is released by the pancreas after each food intake, so that the cells can absorb glucose at all. The secretion of insulin, however, inhibits the burning of fat. As soon as you eat something, the insulin released ensures that the fat is broken down more slowly. So who wants to lose weight, trains with an empty stomach. This does not necessarily have to be in the morning, about four hours after the last food intake, the digestion is complete and the insulin levels are as low as early in the morning.

Each body works differently and sets its own biological clock: a young woman who jogs early in the morning. Photo: Getty Images

Melanie von snot: The musculature is also an important factor in the burning of fat. The higher the muscle content of the body, the more fat is burned. But beware: Under malnutrition or during a diet, the body gains its energy by breaking down its own muscles – with negative consequences: Not only the immune system is weakened, but also the basal metabolism, the number of calories that consumes the body in absolute rest. reduced.

The early evening is the best time to train

Melanie von Rotz: The discoveries of sports science have refuted this myth. Each body works differently and ticks for its own biological clock. Some work more efficiently early in the morning, they find that the morning workout is easier. Others are more active at night and feel the need to get rid of energy after a day at the office. However, the evening workout can have a negative effect on the quality of sleep. Many people are too energetic after the effort to fall directly to bed.

As an amateur athlete, one must be careful to avoid periods of muscle loss

Melanie von Rotz: Begins at the age of 20 to 30 years already natural muscle rupture unless you actively thwart. Two sessions of intense weight training a week, a balanced diet with enough protein and a restful sleep can inhibit this process.

Georgina Montiel: Already exercise in everyday life promotes the preservation of our muscles. The man descends from the monkey, a movement animal that climbs and runs all day. But we – humans 2017 – work differently: we live in the era of automation. Instead of moving, we become more comfortable. But this lack of exercise in everyday life is responsible for natural muscle breakdown. We must therefore appreciate our muscles, treat them as if they were in gold. For a muscular workout, you do not necessarily go to the gym. Jogging is the most effective cardiovascular exercise

Melanie von Rotz: Jogging enjoys the reputation of being a burner of calories. A dangerous wisdom: I look at a number of weight loss takers who come to the gym, train on the treadmill in the belief that they burn hundreds of calories. Most of the time, they go home hungry and drive a lot of calories without being disturbed by a bad conscience. As soon as the endurance training exercises all the musculature of the body, it can be called effective. That 's why jogging is only one endurance training among many others. There are also sports such as swimming, hiking or skating. But the most effective workout for burning fat is endurance combined with bodybuilding. The strength training is gentle on the joints, has a positive effect on the posture and promotes the burning of fat as the body actively accumulates muscle and fat.

Bodybuilding causes swollen muscles in women

Melanie von Rotz: No. There are only swollen muscles if you combine strength training with fake and forbidden substances. The muscles mainly resemble a genetic predisposition. A secondary role is the type of muscle training and nutrition. It is a fact that the muscles of all bodies are not alike despite a similar workout. Each body is ultimately an individual.

There are only swollen muscles if you combine resistance training with banned substances: A woman on a fitness machine. Photo: Getty Images

Georgina Montiel: Just as the individual is the speed with which muscles thrive – in some, even after short workouts. On the other hand, there are also people whose muscles are barely built, even though they go almost every day to the gym. Although the muscles on the body are not always visible, with proper training, they are strengthened and stabilized.

One-sided training is ineffective

Melanie von snot: This fitness myth is right. Studies in sports science have proven that intensive interval training is more effective than a 60-minute jogging ride. During intensive training, the body pushes to its limits, the muscles of the heart are fully used and reinforced. Not only does this promote prevention, but you feel more fit and more likely to endure tough workouts until the end.

Georgina Montiel: A varied workout is essential not only for endurance, but also for muscle building. If the intensity of the workout is always the same, not only is the performance the same, but it also boosts the same muscles. But our brains also need variety. New athletic and coaching tracks not only result in endurance and muscle, but also coordination.

You should not eat carbohydrates before and after training for fat loss

Melanie von Rotz: Small food – even though the appetite is usually rare. Healthy and high-fiber carbohydrates, such as corn waffles and fruit, as well as protein, are not only sustainable satiety, they also prevent cravings.

Georgina Montiel: Cravings: Of course, the secretion of insulin is not for everyone Equal food. Carbohydrates, for example, are significantly higher than proteins. Carbohydrates are not equal to carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates, whole grains, brown rice or legumes, for example, increase insulin levels more slowly and decrease less rapidly. Therefore, about 30 to 40 minutes after the complex carbohydrates drive are quite in.

Melanie von snot: After about two to three hours, I recommend a balanced meal. It consists of equal parts of protein, vegetables and carbohydrates. Tofu, quinoa and carrots or fish, wild rice and broccoli provide a healthy and balanced diet after training

Citrus fruits are the ideal pre-workout energizers

Melanie von Rotz: – And established training mate: He is rich in vitamin C, and the high content of bitter substances reduces the risk of cravings. However, its aggressive acid can also trigger epigastric pain; This is not an ideal source of energy. There are other fruits that provide the body with enough energy before exercise. Bananas or watermelons approx. The glycemic index of the fruits mentioned is relatively high. The higher this value, the higher the blood sugar level after consumption. And the higher the level of blood sugar, the higher the energy reserves for the upcoming workout.

Not the ideal workout booster: orange juice. Photo: Getty Images

Georgina Montiel: Also I recommend before the sport rather a banana instead of citrus. Bananas are the sports snack par excellence: not only convenient to carry but also rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. The nutrients of a banana give the body enough energy for a relaxing session. ;training.

Melanie von Rotz: Citrus fruits, however, are suitable for the preparation of infused water. Cut the citrus fruits, cucumbers and ginger into slices and add to the water with peppermint leaves. Keep the water cool during the night and take it to the office or workout in the morning

After the gym, you should definitely take an extra portion of protein

Georgina Montiel: The dose makes the poison, it's all at the central level. You mean: Of course, proteins promote muscle growth, but eating balanced and in any meal anyway integrates some of the protein, which does not necessarily require an extra dose after the first one. training. Those who eat rich protein, must be sure to drink enough water. In the protein division, so-called purines are also degraded. These form, if the hydration is insufficient, crystals that can be deposited on our joints. Melanie von Rotz: The most effective slimming effect is caused by four building blocks: adequate sleep, muscle training, cardiovascular training and good health. food. Here, I advocate for the "Back to the Roots" vision: always provide prepared meals, cooked meals, more full-bodied and high-fiber foods donated to us by Mother Nature. Important is a varied diet, which also requires a basic knowledge of our food. Meat, for example, is not the only source of protein and there are also sources of valuable vegetable protein such as tofu, quinoa, amaranth, legumes or nuts. Finally, a healthy measurement, a lot of movement and attention to the signals of one's own body – it's important.

* This entry was posted for the first time in Annabelle on September 7th, 2017.


Created: 25.07. 2018, 18:18

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