Walt Disney: Showdown – Now the 2200 percent share is on gas


Today, 21st Century Fox shareholders vote on Disney's planned acquisition of several Fox assets. If the case ends, an entertainment group of unknown magnitude will be created

After comcast leaves the Paris race, it seems very good for Disney to get Fox 's assets. The acquisition may cost $ 71 billion to the Mickey Mouse Group. At first glance, a big piece, but at a second glance, a good investment.

Because it is so that Disney has access to countless movies (eg Ice Age, X-Men), series (Cargo, Dr. House, The Simpsons) and licenses. Fox filmmakers are considered extremely creative and innovative. Among other things, the studio plans four Avatar suites, one with a total business turnover of $ 2.8 billion in success.

Not only for the cinema, but also for its new streaming service that should be released next year. Fox uses very well. According to surveys, every three millennia in the United States, or $ 30 million, have an interest in the service – and it would be cheaper than Netflix, where the subscription costs an average of ten dollars.

Netflix currently has 125 million customers, the stock market value is $ 173 billion, a score of $ 1,400 per customer. Assuming that Disney eventually reaches 125 million customers with its service, then at a subscription price of seven dollars a month – according to Netflix standards – this would result in a customer rating of $ 980 or $ 123 billion for the streaming service. Currently, the entire Disney group is valued at $ 155 billion in stock market

The Fox deal could provide additional added value for Disney. 21st Century Fox is Comcast with an auction for Sky pay TV channel. Fox already owns 39% of Britons and has been trying for a long time to get a complete takeover. If Fox succeeds, Sky should also meet at Disney

Sky has 23 million customers and a turnover of 15 billion euros.

2,200% more – and more!

The Disney diagram image has improved significantly in recent times. The downtrend that started three years ago is broken and the 200 day line has depreciated. Slowly, the stock is heading towards the record of $ 122.08. Over the past 30 years, the stock has gained 2,200%, 1,000 points higher than the Dow Jones. Now the signs are on the continuation of outperformance, should the Fox deal unfold without a hitch.

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