A girl wants to go on Mars – it could happen – World –


Despite her young age, Alyssa Carson already has big dreams: she wants to fly to Mars. And their chances for the big mission are not bad.

Alyssa Carson, 17, has a dream of a lifetime: she wants to fly to Mars and her chances of doing this great mission are not bad. From childhood on Alyssa is already in the fever of space. At the tender age of 12, she had already graduated from NASA's three international space camps. Children and teenagers practically repeat an emergency situation.

Spatial scenarios such as a landing on the Moon are recreated there. The Advanced Possum Academy has already completed the young American. The teenager can not be dissuaded from his intention: "You call Mars" Red Planet ".I call it" home "(…) I was born on Planet Earth, but my mission is to be one of the first to land on Mars. "

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