A new British fighter in the center


Already on the first day of the Farnborough Air Show, there were twice as many orders as the year before

Andreas Hippin, London

The A350 instead of the A380: The airlines prefer the small utility for long-haul traffic. (Photo: Peter Nicholls / Reuters)

The announcement by the British government to develop its own fighter aircraft has highlighted the military dimension of the Farnborough Air Show.In recent years, competition between Airbus and Boeing for aircraft orders Passengers dominated the picture. "We are entering a new era of dangerous warfare," said Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson, presenting a model of the new "Tempest" fighter plane, which can also be used as drone, at the aeronautical fair.

Billion Investments

It plans to invest 2 billion pounds in development by 2025, when the future of the project should be decided In addition to the defense company bri BAE Systems' tannic, it also includes the Rolls-Royce engine builder, the Italian Leonardo and the European MBDA missile manufacturer. Airbus recently announced plans to develop a new generation fighter with the French Dassault. Before Britain's exit from the EU, this already seems to separate the trajectories of companies that once developed the Eurofighter.

Airbus and its American competitor Boeing also received a large number of orders this year. According to the organizers of the exhibition, the volume of orders recorded on the first day of the show was $ 46 billion, twice as much as the year before. A total of 311 civilian aircraft were ordered. However, the basis of this information and all subsequent information is the list price, which is of limited importance. Double-digit deductions are fairly common in the industry.

Boeing with the first big order

Already before the start of the flight activity at Farnborough, Airbus had worked for two Asian airlines for orders in the $ 29 billion volume. Boeing announced the first big order yesterday. Deutsche Post's subsidiary, DHL, ordered 14 cargo aircraft worth $ 777 for $ 4.7 billion and secured rights to seven other aircraft.

Airbus countered quickly. The Taiwanese Starlux has a letter of intent for 17 A350 long-haul aircraft. Twelve of them are the long version, which was delivered in February. The current price for this is $ 6 billion. And the Chinese Sichuan Airlines had already ordered ten A350s before the fair. Often the announcement of orders is postponed until the aerospace fair, sometimes called the name of the buyer only in Farnborough. Overall, cumulative orders give a good idea of ​​who is ahead

Spaceport Planned

British Prime Minister Theresa May was in Farnborough to announce additional investments. It is more than 300 million pounds sterling, which should contribute to the development of energy efficient aircraft models. May said that Britain could remain a member of European bodies such as the European Aviation Safety Agency, which are essential to the industry. In addition, the first spaceport on European soil must be built on the Scottish peninsula. The consortium that will build it belongs to the US defense company Lockheed Martin.

In the United Kingdom, the ADS group employs 123 000 people in the aviation sector. Their average annual income is more than half that of average paid income in all sectors. Exports of the industry totaled $ 30 billion last year. The association had warned against leaving the EU common market due to the importance of cross-border supply chains. Airbus was already threatened with partial withdrawal. The group has wings produced for many models in the UK. Dennis Muilenburg, the leader of his rival Boeing, told the BBC that the exit of the EU would not affect his company's plans in the UK. "We will continue to grow in the UK," he said.

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