A new engine stages violent tornadoes


It was clear that "Just Cause 4" would again focus on the physics of the game. In a series of making-of, the developers are now talking about the rebuilt Apex engine, which even pursues tornadoes and other natural disasters.

In addition to the usual graphical enhancements brought by a new engine, the Apex engine in "Just Cause 4" can also trigger different storms in the Open World Sandbox. Events interact with the entire game world and their origins are modeled on reality.

Time changes are not scripted but occur in the game

Developers of Avalanche Studios are adapted to the real world by the weather. This is why tornadoes in "Just Cause 4" do not appear suddenly, but form in the environment. And they are not alone: ​​sandstorms, blizzards, torrential rains and thunderstorms are also among the big weather events in "Just Cause 4."

Natural disasters can not be stopped, but players can learn to use them interact with AI opponents and of course affect vehicles. It may not be the best idea to fly the helicopter into a tornado – or maybe that is the case

The rebuilt engine of the apex allows hurricanes to hunt in the sandbox

continue to be in the foreground. According to the developers, when you use Wingsuits during a thunderstorm, lightning can be directed against enemies, enemies can be thrown into tornadoes and you can even "surf" in the hurricane. This looks like classic Just Cause auctions – and a lot of fun sandbox.


"Just Cause 4" will be released on December 4, 2018 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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