A new teaser and trailer for the next zombie mode presentation


  Call of Duty Black Ops 4: A new teaser and trailer for the upcoming zombie mode presentation

At this year's Comic-Con in San Diego, the zombie mode of "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" is presented in detail. A freshly released teaser is listening to the upcoming event this week.

Not surprisingly, "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" also comes with a zombie mode. As the Treyarch boys ensure during the official announcement, this is greatly increased.

Thus, among other things, three different epochs or scenarios are promised. In addition, additional features such as customizable difficulty levels or community challenges should keep players happy. In addition, long-term support with new content will be given, according to Treyarch.

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Call of Duty Black Ops 4: A new teaser to present at Comic-Con 2018

As announced earlier this month, Treyarch developers are traveling with " Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 "in Baggage for Comic-Con this year in San Diego. The event will be used to present the shooter's zombie mode as part of an appropriate panel.

This will be Thursday, July 19 at 22:00 CET. To get you started, Treyarch provided a first teaser via Twitter. In addition, the trailer of the story "Chaos" for the zombie mode is now available

All the important impressions and details that will be presented during this panel will of course also be found here. "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" will be released on October 12 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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