<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/ 6 / 9f8ee590-984c-47ec-b70a-1ab2e91999ed.jpeg? Rect = 0% 2C81% 2C2560% 2C1438 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Donnschtig-Jass": reproach of Bschiss at the duel of Dampfplauderis
Two professionals of the television: Roman Kilchsperger and Bernard Thurnheer
Image: Screenshot SRF
Two television professionals: Roman Kilchsperger and Bernard Thurnheer
Screenshot SRF
<figure class = "image-c element active lslide item" data-component-name = "image" data -src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/6/b9ec9a7e-1b9b-46ab-b728-7eeb8de63a3f.jpeg?rect=0%2C81%2C2560%2C1438&w=1024&auto= format "data-sub-html ="
"Donnschtig-Jass": Bschiss accusation to the duel of Dampfplauderis
The show entry with Kilchsperger and Reto Scherrer as Abba boys fell into the water .
Image: Screenshot of SRF screen
The introduction of the show with Kilchsperger and Reto Scherrer as Abba boys fell into the water.
Screenshot SRF
<figure class = "c-image element figure active lslide" data-component- name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/6/dcad48b4-46a6-41eb-bc3a-d5ec42ec747a.jpeg?rect=0%2C81% 2C2560% 2C1438 & w = 1024 & car = format "data-sub-html ="
"Donnschtig-Jass": Bschiss accusation to the duel of Dampfplauderis
A new Einstein: Hubi steals the Lukas
Image: Screenshot SRF
A new Einstein: Hubi skin the Lukas.
Screenshot SRF
<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide element" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/6/14c9970a-9016-491d-b827-fdc94d9e5ece.jpeg?rect=0%2C72%2C2126%2C1194&w=1024&auto=format "data-sub-html ="
"Donnschtig -Jass ": Bschiss charge to duel of Dampfplauderis
Beni Thurnheer had to remember his own TV highlights during the challenge.
Image: SRF
Beni Thurnheer had to remember his own TV highlights in the challenge.
<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide element" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch .imgix.net / 2018/7/6 / f3c5df23-31a6-4087-a03f-6f1cfed15298.jpeg? rect = 0% 2C81% 2C2560% 2C1438 & w = 1024 & car = format "data-sub-html ="
" Donnschtig-Jass ": Charge of Bschiss at the duel of Dampfplauderis
He failed during a scene with the American rocker Meat Loaf.
Image: Screenshot SRF
He failed on a stage with the American rocker Meat Loaf.
Screenshot SRF
<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide element" data-component-name = "Image" data src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch .imgix.net / 2018/7/6 / 13c47e92-f58d-4c49-b82e-e1ac32362f24.jpeg? rect = 0% 2C81% 2C2560% 2C1438 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Donnschtig- Jass ": Bschiss accusation in the duel of Dampfplauderis
Later, the former SRF star moderator made the accusation that the Challenges were being negotiated.
Image: Screenshot of SRF screen
Later, former moderator SRF Star formulated the allegation that bids were made in the challenges.
Screenshot SRF
<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide element" data-component -name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/6/d9fd6d8b-3fa0-40b0-ab36-ddd36418fbb2.jpeg?rect=0%2C81% 2C2560% 2C1438 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Donnschtig-Jass": accusation of Bissing in the duel of the steam divers
New feature – the return live
Image: Screenshot SRF
New Feature – Live Returns
Screenshot SRF
Bernard Thurnheer was the guest of "Donnschtig-Jass" by Roman Kilchsperger. So much has been said that in the end a reproach of fraud stayed in the room
How can you tell on Swiss television that summer time is? For one thing, it is certain that Roman Kilchsperger is in the rain with his Jass program. Just like yesterday, when in Aargau Klingnau he started to release pots just in time for the beginning of the series "Donnschtig-Jass".
The really funny sending shot with Kilchsperger and co-host Reto Scherrer as Abba-Boys Björn and Benny (including assorted trumpet pants and long hair wigs) was unfortunately something in the world. ;water. But neither the presenters nor the viewers wanted to ruin the atmosphere. Especially with Bernard Thurnheer, a much appreciated playmaker as a star guest promised a good mood.
Beni everywhere
As a "retired legend", the former SRF figurehead was also announced. But there is currently little sense of it: Only Tuesday was Thurnheer in the SRF "Club" about double eagle to see; In addition we still hear regularly the Winterthur with summaries of sporting events.
He only does what he likes to do, explained the retired television. The problem is that "I like it too much". Nevertheless, Thurnheer advised viewers to think about retiring earlier rather than later – instead of "constantly watching their cell phones and reading news of their license."
Happy Together
The first minutes of Klingnau Clair: This program would be a fun thing. With the two experienced steamers Kilchsperger and Thurnheer, who also like to take a little air, this aerial act "Donnschtig-Jass" was almost self-propelled.
In fact, the animated cooperation of the two pros of the show has reinforced the fact that this time no major national or even international act of music has occurred. But there was a new "Einstein" at the traditional Hau Den Lukas um das Jasstrumpf – and a new live stream, with which the audience's reactions are projected directly onto the screen. A good idea, even if the channel was not spelled correctly and orthographically with "Feeback"
"Bschiss" at VIP-Challenge?
Otherwise everything was as usual. Scherrer played the clown – and the VIP guest had to take a challenge. However, the fact that Bernard Thurnheer, the former master of the quiz, does not remember his own highlights has surprised many spectators.
For even more excitement, Thurnheer made arrangements with other guests when he accused the Kilchsperger team. meet. He has heard that many celebrities would only agree on the condition that they would win in the Challenge.
Dramatic Finale
This reproach of Bschiss brought Kilchsperger for a short period even of the concept. In fact, it took a memorable pursuit of nearly 40 points in the final round of the Jass, on the one hand Zweisimmen BE to ensure victory in the Jassduell – and bring back the spirit to the usual casual rocking level. .
Benis Bschiss blames but you should remember a little longer. Especially when in the next programs, VIP guests win their challenges again.
The "Donnschtig-Jass" live from Klingnau in Aargau with Beni Thurnheer as guest on Thursday, July 5, at 8:05 pm, on SRF 1. With Swisscom TV Replay, you can watch the program until you reach seven days after the broadcast.
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