Aarauer senior doctor researches endometriosis: "Many women consider their normal severe menstrual pains" – Switzerland


Why did you specialize in endometriosis? What is the attraction of exploring this disease?

Sometimes I feel like a detective. The symptoms can vary considerably depending on where the endometriosis lesions occur. Therapies are individually tailored to each woman. For heavy forms, this requires the cooperation of different disciplines. Sometimes it takes a long time to find the best solution for you with the affected person. But the effort is worth it

As a doctor, is not it frustrating to fight a disease whose cause is poorly known?

It would be useful to know more about the origins of endometriosis. For example, more targeted research could be conducted on drugs and their use in treatment.

Is endometriosis curable?

It is not curable, but treatable. It is a chronic disease during the fertile phase of the woman. This means that even after an operation, new foci and pain can occur. It often happens to adhesions in the stomach, on the one hand by endometriosis itself, on the other hand, by scars after surgery. This can lead to chronic pain. The goal of the therapy is to eliminate or at least reduce the symptoms as much as possible.

Are women with endometriosis infertile?
This does not have to be the case. Many women with endometriosis become spontaneously pregnant. But some can be difficult. Because the disease can cause an inflammatory reaction and adhesions in the abdomen. Here, the fallopian tubes can be closed, making fertilization of the egg impossible. Endometrial cysts can also form on the ovaries, which can make them suffer.

What can a woman do if she is diagnosed with endometriosis?

There are several treatment options. You can remove implants from the endometrium using an operation. In severe forms of endometriosis can be important and demanding procedures. It is important that the treatment team has a lot of experience with endometriosis surgery. Hormonal treatments, such as the luteal hormone pill or the hormonal spiral, are also helpful because they ensure complete failure of menstruation. Of course, this is not an option for women with a current desire to have children.

Are there any alternative treatments?

Many patients benefit from physical pain therapy and alternative methods such as acupuncture. For chronic pain, cooperation with pain specialists and, in some women, inpatient rehabilitation is necessary

How does physiotherapy help?

The muscles are severely constricted in pain. This leads to a great tension in the body which in turn leads to even more pain. It's a vicious circle. Through exercise and muscle building, these tensions can be resolved. It is also important for patients to learn to relax and feel their own muscles better.

What do you want for the future?

That women remain persistent, even if their pain is first considered "normal". They should insist on further clarification, preferably with doctors with a lot of experience in the field of endometriosis. It is only then that the long way to the diagnosis can be shortened.

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