Actor Kleinheinz dies –


The Tyrolean actor Alfred Kleinheinz dies at the age of 68 years. This was announced by the Residenztheater München, where he was involved for 25 years. In summer, he played again and again at Tiroler Volksschauspielen in Telfs

The previous year, Alfred Kleinheinz was seen at Telfs as Brandner in "The Brandner Kaspar and Eternal Life".

  Alfred Kleinheinz

Fredi Kleinheinz / Bernd Schranz

Accidentally arrived at the act

Alfred Kleinheinz was born on June 2, 1950 in Innsbruck. He first worked as a plasterer, but played from the age of 24 years of amateur theater. "When he went to Vienna with a colleague in 1988 to help him in an audition as a partner, they decided in favor of him.After a short time he started at the State Theater of Lower Saxony in Hanover ", said today in an obituary of the State Theater of Bavaria

After four years spent in Hanover, Intendant Eberhart Witt took him to at the Residenztheater.His first role in Munich was dr.It occurs in "The Wild Duck" of Ibsen, his last Karl Valentin in "Playing :: Karlstadt" .His creed was: "The biggest roles are not Always the most grateful. "

Many Films

Kleinheinz also participated in many films, including" March "by Händl Klaus, awarded at the Locarno Festival in 2008 was awarded for the best first work, and has been seen in the TV miniseries "The Manns – A Century Novel" as well as in some [ad_2]
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