Allegations of Vettel (Ferrari) to Mercedes: "Stupid!" / Formula 1 SPEEDWEEK


Formula 1

By 08.07.2018 21:31

After the British Grand Prix, there was heavy air in the paddock of Silverstone: Mercedes accuses Ferrari of dirty tactics. Sebastian Vettel, World Cup leader, said: "To speak deliberately, it's stupid."

Sebastian Vettel completely undermined the Lewis Hamilton Festival at Silverstone: Most of the 145,000 fans had hoped that their local hero would be the big finish on the weekend sports – after the semifinals of the three lions in the World Cup a home win by the Mercedes driver, it would have been his sixth win at Silverstone and his fifth in series. But nothing came out of it. Kimi Raikkonen hit Hamilton in the first round, a thug who thinks the damage does so. Lewis pioneered a path to second place, but eventually nothing could be done against Vettel.

Vettel left Silverstone with an ample build: "We had the fastest car in the race, although there were phases in which we were not so fast on the way." it's partly my fault, because in the first part of the race I put too much pressure on my tire. "

There were a lot of problems in the air after the Grand Prix of the United Kingdom. The head of the team Mercedes Toto Wolff put in the room after the race, one must ask in an action like Räikkönen against Hamilton the question, whether it is incompetence or the intention.

Of course, the winner of Silverstone Sebastian Vettel does not leave without commenting Sit down: "Such things can happen. It's stupid to think that's the intention. I could never drive so precisely to push an opponent out of the race so skillfully. In France, I damaged my front wing in collision with Bottas, so I missed my own race. It's the Formula One: It's easy to start a successful attack, and everyone then rents you for the big maneuver. But it's as easy in the pants, and you can not prevent a collision. I saw the action after the race and I can not really see any malicious intent of Kimi. I find it a little pointless to engage in such a discussion. "

" Claiming to imply that it's really Quark. This may seem like an outward appearance, as sometimes happens in other sports. We have not done well at the World Cup and you have 80 million experts who all think they can do better. Where the chips are made, the chips fall. There are mistakes, even if they should not, but that does not mean anything for a long time. "

After two phases of safety car in the last third of the race, the starting position stung: Valtteri Bottas, Mercedes Box brought, the Finn on medium hard Pirelli.Behind Sebastian Vettel on soft tires, Ferrari had reacted immediately when the race was to be neutralized (Marcus Ericsson crash)

We pursued Bottas several times for his killer instinct, but against Vettel the Finn pulled out his elbows. "He really fought with teeth and claws, "says Vettel, who could ride faster with softer tires.Vettel attacked three times, Bottas parried three times, but then Sebastian stabbed irresistibly at Brooklands inside the Arrow "It was fierce," admitted the Ferrari star afterwards. "I had the advantage of the sweetest Pirelli, but Bottas had the advantage. advantage of having freedom. I was able to catch up with Valtteri again and again, but then things got complicated. "

" He fiercely resisted, but I probably surprised him a bit in the decisive attack. It did not work out, so I tried something different. I was a little more backward than before, maybe he was not expecting an attack at that time. But I saw that a small breach was open, and in which I was engaged with determination.

Hand on heart: Vettel was not afraid to slide right? After all, his attack in Baku had gone wrong. Vettel: "To be honest, I did not know if I could go around, luckily I did it, and then I was able to pull out a little cushion and control the situation, I finally reduced power to save material. "

Bottas was no longer an opponent: the Finn returned to fourth place in the true sense of the word,"

Vettel: "When Mercedes decided not to bring his pilots to a stop, I realized that I had to find a way to get around Bottas. It was not easy, but it was all the sweeter as it worked.

Sebastian Vettel watched carefully the gold trophy on the rostrum of the winners, who all dubbed the "Gold Cup"

] A little history: The Royal Prize British Automobile Club (RAC) is gold plated silver and is officially called the Royal Automobile Club Trophy. The trophy will be on sale at the Royal Automobile Club throughout the year (specifically at the Pall Mall in St James, London) and will only be available for Silverstone racing or media events. Up close, the Victorian-style trophy highlights the signs of the Car Club and Eton College. Engraved on the base are all the GP winners since 1948, when after the Second World War the first Grand Prix was held on the former Silverstone airfield. In 2006, the base had to be expanded because the place was everything. The trophy is 64 inches tall and weighs seven kilograms. The RAC does not like to talk about the value of the trophy.

Vettel says: "I watched the Gold Cup and the winners stopped in 2005. I thought," Well, where have the last thirteen years gone? "Later, they m & rsquo; Have shown the catch that was not installed in a hurry.Silverstone is a very special race track, the races here are always huge, the audience is unique.As it perfectly suits that the trophy just has its own story. "

Now honestly: Is not Vettel a little too happy to see that he has screwed up the Hamilton home game? Vettel: "I've never thought of anything like that in the race, it was important that we get a good result, and before the race, I had a little run, if my neck held." on the morning of the race, I felt much better than on Saturday, and in the Grand Prix, I did not feel anything because of the adrenaline rush of my neck.After the race, I just wanted to enjoy the 39, unique atmosphere at Silverstone, as well as racetrack.Every driver likes to come here.The crowd is great, the weather was perfect all weekend and I guess people have had a great race. It's more important to me than to have beaten Lewis – we had the best car of all, this was not the case here in recent years, and that makes us happy for the rest of the World Championship. "

What's next?" Sebastian Vettel: "We will also be in Hockenheim with the music. For Hungary, I suppose we have to deal not only with Mercedes, but also with Red Bull Racing. They are always strong on powerful slopes, see Monaco. We must keep a high score for development. So everything will be fine at the World Cup.

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