Allergy: Strawberries and tomatoes are triggers of allergy


Tomatoes and strawberries are the most consumed vegetables and fruits. However, some people are allergic to it, especially in allergy to birch pollen diagnosed at the same time.

The potential for allergy depends on the variety

The level of albumin causing allergies in both fruits varies greatly among varieties. Result for tomatoes: Rugantino and Rhianna contain the least allergenic substances, Farbini and Bambello most of the 23 varieties of tomatoes tested.

Gundry identifies tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants as the main culprit. Thinkstock

Are tomatoes healthy?

Tomatoes are healthy and contain a lot of vitamins: that's right – almost. Tomatoes contain health promoting substances such as lycopene pigment, which prevents heart disease, or vitamins C and E.

Due to centuries of cultivation, tomatoes grown today have very low genetic diversity compared to wild forms. A new discovery could lead to tomatoes growing healthier. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Plant Molecular Physiology, as well as Israeli scientists of the tomato genome, have identified the DNA sections responsible for the formation of important ingredients in terms of health and disgust. In the future, the results could allow targeted production of health-promoting properties in tomatoes.


Among the 20 varieties of strawberries, the varieties Florika and Würzburg had the highest levels of allergens. The color of ripe tomatoes was, however, less crucial. In addition, the heat sensitivity of the proteins was confirmed by various treatment methods such as sun, oven or lyophilization: if the fruits were exposed to heat during the drying process, their allergic potential was lower. In contrast, growth conditions, conventional or ecological, have little influence on the content of allergenic substances. According to the researchers, the proteins measured in the studies could in the future serve as markers for the breeding of varieties of tomatoes or hypoallergenic strawberries

Swiss berry number 1. Keystone

is the health of strawberries?

red color, you can use strawberries as a nice touch of color on the plate. The fruits are not only delicious, but also healthy. 100 grams of fine fruit with few calories to reserve. There is a lot of vitamin C in it – even more than in a lemon. In addition, yellow cores on the berry contain valuable minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium.

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Symptoms of Pollen Allergy

Symptoms of an Immune Reaction to Strawberries or Tomato Dermatitis), which irritate the mucous membranes and cause colds and abdominal pain. Food allergies usually develop symptoms after eating fresh fruits or vegetables, while processed foods are often tolerated. Previous studies have shown that there are several proteins in strawberries and tomatoes that can trigger allergic reactions. Most importantly, this applies to proteins that look like the main allergen to birch pollen and, because of this similarity, can lead to cross-allergies. Many people allergic to birch pollen also have an allergic reaction to strawberries or tomatoes. (aponet)

Overview of allergies

There are many different allergies. The best known is probably the hay fever. More and more people are suffering from allergies and struggling with it. A preview of the latest articles, news and information on various allergies Types of

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