Angry Week of the Festival of Elisabeth Kabatek – Part 4: Alicia Amatriain repeats in the stairwell – Culture


By Elisabeth Kabatek

  The applause of the Stuttgart Ballet at the last applause: Alicia Amatriain, Anna Osadcenko, Friedemann Vogel, Elisa Badenes and David Moore Photo: Elisabeth Kabatek A very close ballet fan: The author Elisabeth Kabatek from Stuttgart accompanies the week of the Reid-Anderson Festival at the Stuttgart Ballet of a chronicle. On Monday, she will see the premiere of the Party Pieces ballet party, where things are not going as planned.

Stuttgart – This is an evening of surprises, all not so beautiful, and yet the evening will end with endless applause. But in order …

If you pass in front of the opera just before six o'clock in the direction of Schauspielhaus, you will experience a magical surprise. There are five wind players sitting on a pedestal and playing that is a bliss, and in front of that many listeners and listeners sit and listen devoutly, in that wonderful summer evening. The day before, Reid Anderson hailed the good cooperation with the opera. Not only his artistic director ends, but also that of the opera director Jossi Wieler, who says goodbye to an opera terrace in front of the opera house. There is enough audience for both, and after the ballet performance, the ballet audience will mingle with the opera audience in the park, as the two performances end almost at the same time. What a blessing to live in a city that has so much culture and so many people looking forward to – happy, happy Stuttgart, where you do not have to say, "There is no place for us in this city, cowboy! "It would be nice if this city now came slowly to the pots and find a temporary place …

We are writing the fourth day of the week of the festival" At Reid Anderson Celebration ". We're standing in the auditorium by the stairs, it's almost seven o'clock and it's coming – nothing. It's the premiere of "Party Pieces" today, with twelve choreographies from Reid Anderson's management, which he describes as "casual pieces." It takes Finally, there is admission and then he puts himself on stage and once for loud laughter, as he greets with the words: "I'm calling Reid Anderson and I am still the director of the Stuttgart Ballet ". The fact that the beginning of the evening was delayed because no one thought of ordering the fire department is also a source of laughter. "It never happened to us!"

Two dancers fail

But then it becomes a little more serious. Two dancers are injured, the other is Jason Reilly, and no, unfortunately, you can not replace him in the short term, which means that his solo "Ballet 101" Eric Gauthier, who was immensely happy, has been removed without replacement. The second piece, eagerly awaited by everyone, is the finale of "Mono Lisa" with Jason and Alicia Amatriain, a song that the two have been preparing for weeks. Any other company would probably have deleted that part without replacement. Not Stuttgart, not Reid Anderson, not Alicia Amatriain. She repeats with Damiano Pettenella in the staircase – a piece that she has not danced for five years, namely "Allure" of Demis Volpi with the music of Nina Simone …

And then, after Reid Anderson, the audience in the best Denglish asked, he can "enjoy", is finally danced. And how to dance! There are two moving encounters with former crowd favorites Marijn Rademaker and Daniel Camargo, who owe nothing to the Stuttgart crowd. There is a breathtaking solo by Elisa Badenes in a choreography that has never been shown in Stuttgart, namely "Limelight" by Katarzyna Kozielska. Friedemann Vogel dances "Fancy Goods" by Marco Goecke, presented for the first time in 2009 at Reid Anderson's 60th Anniversary Gala. Friedemann transcribes every sound of Sarah Vaughan's voice with her body, and the applause for him is frenzied. After the break, it's time to laugh: "Are you as tall as me?", Before Hyo-Jung Kang and Martí Fernández Paixà do not dance in Douglas Lee's "Arcadia Step". Finally, Alicia arrives, and if Reid Anderson did not reveal it, no one would have thought that this piece had just been repeated in the stairwell. Because of course Alicia is perfect! Then everyone comes back on stage, and Reid Anderson distributes bouquets that are so big that you can not see the dancers behind them, and they applaud, applaud, and applaud …

Meet Rolando from d & rdquo; Alesio [19659008] Before the show, I met ballet master Rolando D'Alesio, who repeated seven of the twelve pieces (originally planned) of the Evening Party Pieces. One of them, "Come neve al sole", choreographs itself. In the hilarious game, the two red t-shirts that attack Miriam Kacerova and Novitzky Roman, as well as the malleability of the fabric, play a major role

Reid Anderson said about it Sunday in his one-man show, "It is one of the best ballet masters I've ever had, he has dignity, humility and past. "Rolando D'Alesio started here, in 1991 / 92, he came to the corps de ballet, in 2000 he is a semi-soloist. What role does he particularly like to remember? "In Lenski in" Onegin "and Mr. Duval, the father of" La Dame Camellia. "For both ballets, everything is true, the combination of music and choreography is perfect." How do you imagine a typical day? of ballet master? "We start the training at 10:30, then the first rehearsal, then a break, then it goes on until 18:30, but every day is not the same.I do not give training every day, maybe three, four times a week, sometimes with boys, sometimes with girls, then I watch videos, plan what needs to be repeated – today, for example, between 10:15 am and 2:00 pm I have repeated ten different ballets, some for tonight, others for the gala.It is a difficult week, we have not done a lot of things for a long time, we have to refresh ourselves, and some people are new and have never danced before. "Did he like the movie" Romeo and Juliet "? – "It's hard for me to see ballet at the movies, I miss the smell of theater, I also prefer to have the freedom to watch where you want." But it was amazing how Elisa and David were dancing. "

Just a question of practice?

"What fascinated me was that extraordinary precision that appeared even more in the film than on stage.How do you do that?"

"That's just A question of practice We first approach the technical side, and as soon as the technique is correct, we work on the expression, and then each ballet master brings his feeling and you work with the dancers up to # 39 that the expression fits in. It is also important that the chemistry between the two soloists be right or else nothing works. "

" Do you immediately recognize if a dancer or a dancer manages to reach the top? "

" There are always outstanding dancers, you can see right away, they are fast, motivated, focused … Reid Anderson has such a good view, I never have seen with Alicia, for example, I danced in the beginning, "The Cage", because she was just in two year of school, because his tremendous agility was already evident. Elisa also noticed it immediately. "- Are the dancers different today than they were twenty years ago? "No, everything goes much faster, there are more performances, more occupations, they have to be very fit and very flexible."

"What's special about the Stuttgart Ballet?"

"I'm not objective!"

"You do not have to be."

"I love everything about Stuttgart! For example, the people behind the scene, the mask, the costumes, the technology, the stage manager.There is such a team spirit, magic, because of Cranko, we carry it in our hearts and we transmit it and it seems to work. are not as strict as other companies, it's more cowardly. "

" But surely a lot of discipline is needed? "

" Sure! Let's take a picture like today. " next day, the dancers go back to the pole, they start from scratch … it's a permanent challenge. "

As you read this, the dancers are likely to rehearse with the sympathetic ballet master, who shows a great enthusiasm for his work, or repeat for them Gala. Incidentally, Reid Anderson still has no idea what's going on at the gala, and he certainly does not want to know it, so if you meet him, do not betray anything, even if it's on the schedule of Festival Week! Moreover, Party Pieces will be repeated on Wednesday, and there are still tickets – and we wish a speedy recovery to Jason Reilly and hope he'll be able to dance soon!

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